Tuesday, July 28, 2020

More shelving

I woke up hearing Chris move around, just like yesterday. This time I got up before 7:30. I took the protein and H2 supplement. I used the sinus rinse and when I blew my nose, there was some blood on the tissue. I brushed and swished while texting with Beverly. I got dressed. I screwed the legs onto the rebounder for tomorrow. I opened a package marked 'fabric poles' which I thought were PVC, but they turned out to be the poles to my dressmaker dummy. I reassembled her. I also unpacked candles into the sideboard.
I wanted to print out my supplement regimen because that piece of paper did not come with the others for some reason. Now that the desktop is up and running, it should have been simple, but the desktop disavowed all knowledge of that file. Thankfully I had transferred it to the laptop so I was able to e-mail it back to the desk top and print it out on the back of something else (since the printer paper hasn't been unpacked yet).
I unpacked boxes of fabric in the garage using the drag and drop method since they were stacked so high. I assembled another shelving unit in the fabric closet and wondered if it would be enough.
Beverly called to emote over the quilting class today. Later, I made breakfast while Chris made lunch. He also put a beef roast in the oven for later. I brought in a small shelf unit from the garage and put it by the piano. I loaded it with sheet music and music books. I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes.
David came by to pick up more paper and boxes. We chatted on and off. He told me he'd talked to his wife or the PTSO about a sewing group and they were interested. I unpacked CD's in the den and three stereo units, although without William I am not sure how to hook them together. It's been so long since I have had room to set them up.
I went looking for some plastic shelves that I saw in a box somewhere. I looked through every box large enough to hold them, but with no luck. When Chris came home, I asked him and he said I told him to put them in the shed. So I went out there, and lo and behold, not just those shelves but a bunch of other ones too. I assembled one set in the den and moved the other two over to accommodate it.
The roast Chris pulled from the oven smelled so good! When I finished with the short plastic book shelves, I served myself a piece of the roast. It was very good and a little spicy. I picked some dandelion from the yard and made a salad with half of the salad greens that were left. I heard Chris talking in the living room and thought it was time for us to watch TV. But he was on a Zoom call with gaming friends. He introduced me and we had a nice chat before signing off. Chris and I watched a Netflix DVD with David Tennant and Patrick Steward in Hamlet. I thought they were going to update the language as well as the costumes and scenery, but no. It was very hard to follow. I'm kind of sorry I put it in my queue.
Then it was time for bed. Chris retired and I stayed up to post to my blog, and to do usual pre-bedtime stuff that I have been neglecting lately.
* What a tangled web of wires. William would know what to do. *

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