Monday, July 13, 2020

Dugway (or thereabouts)

We got up really early because the sun did and I couldn't go back to sleep. I made breakfast and Chris took a shower. I read some e-mail, and then we packed up our stuff on a dolly and took it to the car. Chris packed the car and we found a gas station, then headed out.
I had a headache. I suspected dehydration, but was afraid to drink much because the rest areas were closed and the exits were very far apart. We stopped at Little America to fuel up and use the restroom. Chris bought himself a pre-made sandwich and I got a jar of marinated mushrooms. Then we resumed our book on CD and drove on. I took pics sporadically. The terrain is so different. I clicked one of the Morton Salt Factory in Salt Lake City. It was around that time Chris got a call saying the truck with all our belongings had arrived. We had to tell them to put it in temp storage.
We finally arrived at Dugway. The sun was hot and we had to sit in the car and wait for them to make me some kind of pass. Then we went to Chris' office and unloaded the plants and watered them. Then we went into his office and waited for his boss to finish a conference call. Chris introduced me and we talked. Then we went to the post office and Chris showed me how to use the code to open the box. There was a “Welcome to Utah” card from MaryAnn, and two packages.
Then we went to Housing to check on the house. We had a hard time finding it, and I noted how all the places that were not irrigated looked fried by the sun. The lady in the Housing office said she wasn't sure if the house was ready and she called someone, but they didn't answer. So she promised to get back to us. We went by the house and saw the outside. It looked ready to me.
I requested to stop at the commissary, even though we had to have masks in there. I wanted to see what they had of what I usually buy. Not much. I made a mental note to buy chocolate, pickles, bone broth and coconut milk in Toole. Since there was no room at the Dugway hotel, we had to go to Toole anyway.
When we got to Tooele Army Depot, they said I needed a visitor's pass. We went into the little building. The guy was going to take my picture and make a pass, but after much ado the computer would not cooperate, so he made a paper one and said to come back tomorrow for a proper one. Yes, it was running a Microsoft OS.
We went to the Sunset Inn Hotel on base. We were assigned a two-bedroom apartment with full kitchen. We unpacked the car. The top had come off of the sesame oil, so it made quite a mess. When I emptied the coolers, one was full of blackberry residue. Chris started cooking the fish which has been at the bottom of the cooler since we left Alabama. We took a walk to find the laundry facility. Chris did two loads of laundry. I used the sanitizing wand on my pillow.
I answered a couple of e-mails and laid down while the fish cooked. Then it was too late to eat, but I didn't realize that because the sun it still going strong at 8 local. So I ate a piece of the fish, which did not taste so good. I wrote my blog post and downloaded all the pics, which took a lot longer than it should have. God bless Microsoft.
My laptop said it was 9:41 but the sun was still up. Arrgh! I read e-mail for a while longer, then I sat with Chris and we watched one episode of Legends. He went to get the laundry and I finished up my blog post so we could go to bed.
* This is the one rest stop that was open. *

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