Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Preparing for the big day

I woke up before 6 with a charlie horse. I could not pull my foot up so I had to get up and stand on it, which worked pretty quickly. I went back to bed, but Chris got up and started his day. At 6:15, I got up and took the first supplement. I brushed and swished. I read an article with embedded videos showing evidence that masks don't help stop the spread of viral infections because the particles are too small and people don't handle masks correctly.
I took a shower and got dressed. Meanwhile, Chris got a call from the internet provider saying they couldn't come today, but would like to come tomorrow instead. Chris told them that if they came promptly at 9, it would probably be ok. I was hoping to know where the wi-fi was before deciding where to place furniture. But there won't be any time for that now.
In looking up doctors in the area, I came across the local Home Depot. It's a little further out than most of Tooele, but it is good to know where it is.
I made and ate breakfast a little earlier than usual. Linda called and we had a really nice chat. When Chris started one of his telecons, I took the phone outside. A grey and white dog with blue eyes came over and licked my ear. I patted him on the head and he left. After the call, I read e-mail, and looked at the floor plan for the house. I was trying to imagine my furniture in it. At solar noon, I laid outside in a bathing suit for 20 minutes. Then I redressed and finished a video on how the seasonal death statistics are no worse than other years. There was a large late-season spike in places where the hospitals were cleared to make way for anticipated patients. But not in places that didn't do that.
I did some tapping and worked up the courage to drive in town to WalMart. (It takes a lot of energy to face a store that big.) The intersection where I had to turn left had a blinking yellow light. But visibility of on-coming traffic was blocked by cars in a left-turn lane. I didn't like that, and neither did the people waiting in back of me. Finally I found a small hole in traffic to squeak through. Finally I arrived at WalMart. Masks were mandatory and there were two ladies assigned to the front door to make sure everyone had a mask. So I pulled mine out and put it on. But after I took a cart, I pulled the mask off my nose so I could breathe. Then I walked around the store hunting for items on my list. I did not find them all. Especially surprising was the lack of distilled water. And they were out of hydrogen peroxide. I walked into the garden center and was pleased to find tomato plants. I chose one and went to the checkout up front. When I got outside, I took the mask completely off. I wasn't sure where I had parked the car, but there was only one with an Alabama license plate.
When I got back, it was after 5:30. Chris had already eaten, so I quickly made a salad, ate it, and then ate an egg. Then we packed up as much as we could minus what we'll need first thing in the morning. We packed it in the car and I drove us to Dugway, noting that there is only one turn to make (if you don't count all the twists and curves in the road over the mountain.)
We went to the post office, and then our new place, and unloaded most of what was in the car. I set up the Berkey and filled it with water. The hot water was cloudy and the cold water was clear. Only the hot water is softened, so why is it cloudy? Then we left, but decided to get the plants from Chris' office and took them to the house. Then I remembered to take out a sewing measuring tape to measure the walls in the main rooms. The place seemed huge. Of course, when it is full of boxes tomorrow, I may change my mind.
We stopped at the gas station on post, then headed back to Tooele Army Depot. The sun was getting low in the sky and we passed several deer. Chris did the driving. When we got back to the lodge, we talked a little bit about furniture placement, but then watched one episode of Legends and got ready for bed.
* This is a pic from the nutrition store recently *

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