Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Obsessing over an abscess

I got up at 7, swished twice, made coffee, packed a little here and there, and soaked sprouts. Then realized I had too many things going on at once. So I quit trying to pack and just concentrated on coffee morning. I played some meditation music while I did my exercises, drybrushing, and rebounding. I listened to some Chopra meditations and did a lot of tapping.
Before I got started on cleaning the house, I called the dentist's office. The lady was there this time and she said that the dentist thought my tooth might be abscessed. She recommended seeing an endodontist and had a particular one in mind. I called that office and was told to come right over or wait until next week. So, I quickly got dressed and went right over.
I called from the front door and was told to come in. I put on my mask and was shown to an exam room where she had me swish and wash my hands. Then I had to fill out paperwork and sign a CoVid release. After she took the paperwork, she wanted to take an X-ray. I told her I'd already had an x-ray and she had to wait to get it from the dentist' office. But then she said it did not show the root of the tooth. (I thought capturing the image of the root was the whole point of me going in last week!). I was upset because I did not have any Vit C, glutathione, or astaxanthin with me. The endodontist came in and explained that it was the only way to confirm an abscess. So I agreed to it and the x-ray was taken. And yes, he saw an abscess, although he did not show it to me. He said he could fix it after his other patient. But I did not want to be rushed into a root canal, especially after the assistant said that he would take multiple x-rays during the procedure. I cried while she processed my payment. He leaned out of his procedure to assure me he could do it in 30 minutes with minimal discomfort.
I went home, upset and tapping. I threw my keys in my purse and then got out and locked the door by reflex. I didn't realize it was possible to lock the keys in the car, and it did not improve my mood! However, the thought that I forgot to lock the back door did. I slipped in the fence and went inside the house, where I found the second set of keys and unlocked the car. I took my vitamin C and glutatione. Air Doctor filters were on sale, so I tried to order online, but my cc info would not go through. So I had to call, and wait for the next available rep. While waiting, I started parsing out 3 weeks of supplements in anticipation of taking one dose with breakfast.
Gabriela called to say she wanted to come over and give me back the sewing machine oil I had lent her. So I agreed to meet her in the commissary parking lot. She had further to go, so I went by the post office first and picked up a box from Swanson. It looked pretty beaten up. I parked at the commissary and waited. When she showed up, I explained what I had just gone through with the endodontist. She told me about how all her root canals had gone bad and ended up being extractions. She recommended that I just have it pulled. She said once hers came out, she felt so much better. I asked if I could root canal it now and extract it later. She said it was harder to extract after being root-canaled. Bummer. I just don't need this right now. We discussed it for some time, and then I went home.
When I got out of my car, my neighbor was just getting out of hers. So we talked, mostly about Utah since she lived at Dugway as a kid. Then I checked the house mail and went inside. I opened my Swanson box, and it was only half full, with little packing material and had 6 cans which had rumbled around and dented each other. Sigh. I went back to parsing supplements so I could move on to breakfast. But after eating breakfast and half a banana, I also ate a can of soup, so it was kind of like supper, too.
.I put a C-soaked cotton ball on my tooth, and went for a walk. When I got back, I put out the recyclables and rolled the bin to the curb. Then I listened to an interview on endocrine problems while reseaching how to clean a root canal tooth. I went to the kitchen to make more green mix and cleaned up the kitchen.
I finished the interview and watched one episode of The 4400. I did some yoga, wrote my blog, brushed my teeth, and inverted before going to bed.
* This is Beverly's other bee quilt. *

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