Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The checks are in the mail

I heard Chris getting ready, and Reveille, but went back to sleep. I got up just before 7:30. I decided to have a meditation morning. Everything took longer because I was kind of starting from scratch. I made coffee, but discovered that the stove is not suitable for simmering. It would be difficult to stack the two grates like I did in Huntsville since they are so much bigger and heavier. I swished with coconut oil, then brushed and swished with toothpowder. When I flossed, the string went under my crown. I looked it up on the internet, and it means the crown is too small and should be replaced with a bigger one. I sent a text to my dentist to see what she thinks. It makes me angry to think I have to go through all the pain and price again because she didn't get it right the first time.
I tried to play meditation music on desktop but the subwoofer wasn't putting out any sound except a faint hum of electricity. I checked the wires and they were all connected. I looked for music on my laptop but I didn't have any yet. So I put a CD in my laptop and played it. I drybrushed, exercised, meditated and tapped, but it wasn't comfortable so I cut it short. I took a shower and discovered that the shower rods are not smooth so the rings I bought don't slide over it. That means the ones I haven't unpacked yet won't work either.
I put the stereo system together in the den. The CD changer worked, but then I rearranged the CD's in the cartridge to put the one I wanted on the bottom, and apparently something got stuck because it wouldn't play after that. It was silent on 'play' but whined on 'stop'. I tried the tape player but the sound did not come through. I called William and we figured it out. He also told me how to take the top cover off of the CD changer, but I could not see what was causing the problem.
Chris came home for lunch. He didn't know the answer to either the CD changer or the subwoofer. I made and ate breakfast. I wrote some checks. I unpacked boxes of fabric and books from the garage. I looked for boxes marked 'shed' because that's where the charging cord for the mower was. But I only found one box and it did not have the cord in it.
At 2:30 I put on my bathing suit and laid out in the sun. There wasn't much sun left on the porch, but I got my 20 minutes. I came in, toweled off, and redressed. I went back to unpacking.
Chris came home from work while I was unpacking china and the linens from the sideboard. He made himself supper and played a game while listening to Michele game with her online friends. I decided to do the same. Then he helped me unpack some items. Nothing was broken, thank goodness. I found the covers for the shelves in the china cabinet, and put some decorative glassware in it. When I needed a break, I walked down to the post office to mail some checks. It took about 20 minutes, but I forgot to check my watch when I got back. I was distracted when the front door was locked. But Chris let me in.
We called it quits on Hamlet, which we did not finish yesterday. We watched one episode of Lucifer and then checked out the sprinklers in the front yard to see how they were doing. There was a big wet spot on the road. We think they need tweaking. Some parts of the yard are still dry. Then we watched a second episode. Afterward, I brushed and swished, then wrote my blog post for today.
* My pics didn't turn out today, so here is one from last week on the road to Tooele. *

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