Friday, July 3, 2020

Chris is back

I awoke early and could not go back to sleep, even though I was tired. I finally got up at 7. I brushed and swished. I washed dishes in the sink. I cleaned up a bin that was outside and washed it. Then I swept the back porch and put the leaves in a low spot in the yard.
I checked e-mail. Then I called Alison to see if she had any duck eggs available. We got into a long-winded conversation, but she did have eggs. So, before I left, I called Michele. After a short chat, I asked her to call me in an hour. Then I headed out to Alison's place for duck eggs. When I got there, another customer was leaving. The chickens were so healthy and colorful that I couldn't help remarking. So she showed me her baby ducks and other chicks. Some roosted in the fig tree. Then she got the eggs and I paid her. She seemed busy so I just headed home. Michele called just as I arrived home. I called her back and we had a longer conversation about why she didn't like her last job and what kind of job she would like.
I made breakfast, and ate outside. I also laid on my stomach for a little bit to tan the back of my legs. Then I checked e-mail to cool off. Once cooled, I went back out to finish mowing the lawn, but the battery didn't quite make it, so I plugged it up again. Sigh.
I cleared clutter and sorted more piles of paper. I cleaned out desk drawers, and boxes on diningroom table. I cleaned out one pantry drawer, waiting to hear from Chris. Finally he texted that his plane had landed. I jumped in my car and went out Gate 9 to the airport. He was sitting on a bench in front. He put his duffel bag in the back seat and got in the passenger seat. I drove us home. He said he was tired, but he set up his laptop and started reading. I laid down for awhile, but still could not sleep. I mixed up a batch of seed crackers, and read e-mail while they baked. Then I took my supper supplements and ate nuts, and a veggie salad. We took a walk around the neighborhood, having a nice conversation. I mowed the last little bit of lawn and put the battery back om the charger. I answered an e-mail from the mayor.
Then William called. He was very gung-ho on a vegetable drink called Suja UberGreens. It sounded like something that would be healthy and taste awful. But he liked it.
Chris and I watched two episodes of The Legends of Tomorrow. Then Chris went to bed. I got a text from Jennifer about swimming at her house tomorrow. I posted to my blog, did some yoga and inversion, and went to bed.
* Her baby chick house *

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