Friday, July 10, 2020

First they came for our chairs..

I counted the boxes in each room except the master bedroom. I only counted about half in the fabric room because it was so full that I couldn't get around.
I slept through out the night pretty well I think. Chris' alarm went off at 6 and he got up to take a shower. I got up later to take the first supplement, then shower and get dressed. I had to rearrange my suitcase since it was helter-skelter and it needed to be zipped so Chris could put it in the car. I counted the boxes in our bedroom. But that count included boxes we never unpacked and bins. I wiped down the bathroom sinks and mirrors. I made and ate breakfast. I washed a water pitcher so they would pack it. I flattened some boxes that the men put on the recycling bin. Two I saved for later just in case. The food box got a little wet because there was water on the counter. I emptied the box and reinforced it with tape. I vacuumed the rooms with carpet.
The big truck pulled up about 8:30, but the movers were not here yet. Chris invited the driver to come in, but he preferred to sit in his truck. He said the movers left Birmingham at 6, so how long does it take to get to Huntsville? I got on my laptop and jotted notes, then read e-mail, listening to Chris rage over some Microsoft update that closed his tabs. I looked around in the garage and saw the quilt I made for our bed in Korea. I dabbed the bites with ozone cream even though they weren't bothering me. Some of them look inflamed and I want to head off any scratching.
The movers showed up about 9:20. They said they had to take the long way in order to come in the back gate, which was the only gate they were allowed to come in. They had to wait in line, and register the truck and people.
I went through my e-mail, watching the boxes go out and listening to the furniture get wrapped in plastic. At 11 Chris took lunch orders and went to Burger King for lunch. I continued to listen to a podcast. When it was over, I looked for my next supplement. Chris said my supplements might be in the bathroom. But the bathroom door was locked and no one was in there. Chris wanted a nail, so I suggested the one holding up the mirror on the wall. But it didn't work. One of the men asked for a coathanger. They'd all been packed but then I remembered throwing an old flyswatter handle in the trash. I got it out and he unlocked the door pretty quickly.
At 12:15 I laid out in the sun for a few minutes, using the lawn chair that hadn't been packed yet and setting it on the patio, not out in the grass. At 1:50 they took all the chairs except the ones we were sitting on. I listened to a podcast of EMF mitigation, then went to the post office to turn in the keys. The clerk was wearing the mask I had given him. He processed the form, and gave me cash back. I went home. I I told Chris we could sit on folding chairs and let the men wrap and pack the dining chairs. So Chris got folding chairs from the shed. I ate some kimchi (couldn't finish it all) and seed crackers. We read more e-mail, noting that they were not going to finish on time. Julia came over with a bag of snacks for our trip. That was so sweet of her! She asked a question about the fabric room and we went back there. I noticed the curtain was still up, so she helped me take down curtains, rods and Command strips. Then they came for the table. Julia went home to get her vacuum while Chris and I cleared our stuff from the table. She did the back bedrooms and cleaned those windows, God bless her. I tried to sweep in the masterbedroom but they still hadn't done the bed, and the mattress was leaning up against the wall. I swept baseboards wherever I could find them. Actually we didn't have to clean since we were resigned to paying the cleaning fee, but without a table and chair, I couldn't amuse myself with my computer. (Chris sat on the floor and used his laptop). So she and I cleaned. And the men packed and loaded. And I found things here and there that they missed. I emptied the vacuum cleaner cup twice. I swept the garage with a broom. And then they came for the sweeper. She and I talked as the foreman finished up paperwork. Her husband came out to say goodbye. They assured us they would take the trash out next Wednesday.
The men left about 6:30. Chris didn't want supper, so I ate what I could find from the fridge. Then we packed a few things into the car and went to the hotel. I was exhausted. I made some tea and put magnesium in it. After a bit, we started watching TV early. By the end of it, I was too tired to move. Chris got me up and we went to bed without blogging. I woke up at 2am, drenched in sweat and with an uncomfortable sensation in my throat. I got up to gargle with salt water and put on some vitamin patches. Then I went to bed and laid awake for hours.
* We filled this truck with boxes and furniture stored in 1400 sq ft. *
** I later regretted leaving my supplements and essential oils to be packed because they stayed in hot storage for a week I also wished I had my teapot and a rectangular suitcase. **

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