Friday, July 31, 2020

It pays to unpack

I got up just before 7:30. I threw out my Huntsville toothbrush and unwrapped a new one. I brushed and swished and rinsed my sinuses. I unpacked china and decorative dishware in the dining room. I just love the sound of champagne flutes ringing against each other.
I unpacked curtains in garage, and selected some to put in a give-away box. I texted with the dentist and she asked if she could call me later in the afternoon. I unrolled our ethernet cable to see how far it would reach: to the den, but not to the back bedrooms. I put on an interview with a doctor who says his patients health improves more when they minimize their exposure to wi-fi.
Chris came home for lunch, bringing two packages from the post office. He washed sweet potatoes and put them in the oven. I made and ate my breakfast. I unpacked the postal boxes and put the items in the pantry closet. I was able to find places in the pantry to put the under-the-shelf baskets. I laid outside for 20 minutes in my bathing suit.
I played several interviews with Judy Mikovits in the guest room while I unpacked boxes there and hung garb in the closet. In one of the boxes, I found jewelry, inlcuding my wedding ring which I thought I lost three years ago when we flew to America.
Chris came home from work. I had a piece of beef, salad (with dandelion from the yard) and a sweet potato for supper. I worked on the CD player, trying to figure out what was stuck. I called William and we agreed that if I couldn't fix it, I would send it to him.
Chris and I watched three episodes of Lucifer then retired to the bedroom. I think I fell asleep, but woke up in the night to turn off the router and my phone. Actually I woke up a number of times with my head ringing. I couldn't figure out what was causing it.

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