Sunday, July 19, 2020

Getting out and about

I got up at 7:30 when my alarm went off. I started the usual morning routine. Chris gave me a massage without coconut oil, which was not as good, but he didn't want to get the sheets oily. He didn't plan to do any more laundry here, just waiting until Tuesday when we move into the house.
He showered, then I showered and got dressed. I checked e-mail. I watched some funny and some informative Facebook videos. Around noon I had breakfast. I washed dishes, and made a batch of banana oatmeal cookies. The cookie sheet was not very clean so I had to scrub it first. The egg had been rescued from the pot Chris cooked yesterday so it was ever so slightly solid around the edges. But it worked and I threw in raisins, pecans, and ground cacao nibs.
After they came out of the oven, I put on my bathing suit and went outside to lay in the sun. The lady next door came out and offered me cookies. I thanked her but said I just made some. She went to the laundry area and I laid on the picnic bench. But when I saw her coming back from the laundry facility, I got up to talk to her and she invited me inside. We had a nice conversation and she introduced me to her little ones. She told me about their bad moving experience.
I looked online for ATMs associated with our bank, but there were none. I read a local facebook page which the lady next door told me about. There was quite the discussion of masks. People on both sides made their arguments, but only those on the side of not wearing masks gave links to graphs and charts and studies.
I decided to go into down, so I took a pic of a map of the town. I went to GNC first and picked up some astaxanthin. The store had a sign on the door about wearing masks, but the clerk did not say anything to me. I social-distanced as much as I could. I asked about alcohol, and she recommended a nutrition store down the street. I tried the dollar store in the same shopping center, and was able to get it. But I still checked out the nutrition store. It was marvelous! Not as big as Ruth's, but carried a lot of the brands I usually buy. She gave me business cards for two massage therapists and a chiropractor. I bought some Beetcology juice and avocado oil. I put my purchases in the car, then walked to Jo-Anns. It wasn't as big as the one in Huntsville, but they seemed to have all the usual sewing stuff. I asked about quilting groups, but they didn't know of any.
When I got home, I drank the Beetology, and made supper: egg salad with sour cream instead of mayo, and a vegetable salad. I ate as I watched another video on how the Covid numbers don't add up to a pandemic. Cases are up, but death rates are down. After eating, I went back to the bedroom to get my walking shoes and decided to lay down for just a moment. I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dark outside. I left the bedroom and found Chris at his laptop. He said he had come back earlier to ask if I wanted to walk and found me asleep. So instead, we watched an episode of Legends. Then it was time to blog and go back to bed.

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