Friday, October 2, 2020

Are the gophers getting smarter?

I slept well again last night. I wasn't sure if it was taking powdered glycine with the magnesium, or turning off the power to the stereo system that is right behind the wall behind the bed, or wearing the blue-blocking glasses. Still, I stayed in bed until 8. I got up and made my molecular hydrogen drink. I turned on the router and checked e-mail. I listened to a tapping podcast while playing solitaire. It's the one thing I can do that doesn't interfere with listening.
I looked for gopher mounds, but didn't see any. I read e-mail, and took supplements on schedule.
I started the breakfast process at 11:15. I was eating when Chris came home for lunch at noon. I listened to Dr. Mark interview a lady about a 90 second release process. It was almost over when Chris went back to work. Then I listened to Del Bigtree's weekly broadcast. He interviewed child psychologists about the effects of mask-wearing and social distancing on children. I paused it to read a book in the sun. I didn't have my watch on so I don't know how long I was out there. I kept turning over and over so my skin wouldn't burn.
When I washed up and got dressed again, I checked e-mail for awhile. Then I went outside again to treat some older gopher mounds. It is getting harder to find the tunnels from the mounds. I think they are getting smarter. Anyway, I divided the food waste among the older mounds, and plugged the most recent one with a rock so the gopher could not push the banana peel out the way it came in. With no new mounds, I just might have cracked the gopher code!
Afterward, I washed my hands and ate leftovers for supper. Then I finished sewing two masks. That's when Chris came home from work followed by Mass. Why Mass is on Thursday, I don't know. Chris showed me a video from Herberth asking for a loan of $6000 to build a little house for himself so he can rent out his larger house. We don't know exactly why he wants that arrangement.
It was getting dark so I asked Chris to go with me for a quick walk. We went to a house with no future and got six smooth roundish rocks. Good for plugging gopher holes.
I listened to videos of random piano playing in a UK airport. Apparently one great piano player (and his video assistant) visit the airport on occaision to do impromptu duets with people who take a moment to play the public piano. It was so engrossing that I forgot my magnesium drink. We watched two episodes of the new season of Call The Midwife. Then I made my magnesium drink and drank it while typing up my blog.
* Another scene from our hike on Sunday. *

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