Thursday, October 1, 2020

He's baaaaaack!

I slept pretty well last night. I did not hear the sprinklers or Reveille this morning. I heard Chris leave and thought he must be early. I got up to use the bathroom and then my alarm went off.
I took the first supplement and brushed and swished. Chris left the router on so his computer could update. I checked e-mail and got one about the vacuum belt. They wouldn't refund the shipping cost so it wasn't worth returning. They sent a link to another belt. I checked that number against the one on the old belt and they were a match, so I assumed it was right and ordered the new one. Dirt Devil. Com did not have one that size, otherwise I would have ordered from them.
I made coffee, did lymph-moving exercises, and meditated.
I cleaned up three gopher mounds, and put a rock on one. I heard something and noticed the start of a new mound, but he heard me and quit. I put on my bathing suit and laid out in the sun. I didn't have a book to read because I forgot that I had finished my book yesterday. When I came in, I exchanged the old book for a new one. Then I took shower and got dressed. I checked e-mail, then put on an interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton. I listened while I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. Finally I vacummed the den, and emptied the vacuum bag. Then I laid on the recliner and tried to fall asleep to Holosync.
After I got up, my phone rang. It was Dr. Lee, calling to say he wants me to help him apply for acupuncture certification in Tennessee. I knew we had looked into it before and didn't do it but I couldn't remember why. He implored me to at least check. My heart sank, but I couldn't say no.
Chris came home. He said he was out and about at lunchtime. I told him about Dr. Lee's request. I screamed in the closet. Then I sat down to search through my blog entries to see if I recorded why he didn't pursue certification in Tennessee. The doorbell rang. It was Johnnie coming over to ask if I would like to go to Tooele with her on Friday. Yea! Then I showed her all my quilts. She was kind enough to sit through the show.
After she left, I continued my search, but there was nothing about TN. I looked up the certification requirements on the Board of Acupuncture webside. I printed out three pages, so I could see all the things at once. It was long and complicated. I sent an e-mail to Dr. Lee with the link and which pages to look at.
I folded the quilts and put them away. I made a magnesium drink. Then we watched a movie called “Enola Holmes”. It was quite good and full of actors that looked vaguely familiar. Afterward, I sat down with my blue-blocking glasses to write my blog post and get ready for bed.
* A desert plant *

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