Friday, October 9, 2020

The check-up

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, even though I stretched before bed, used the blue-blocking glasses, and the massage ball. Chris' alarm went off at 7:30. I got up, took the protein supplement and hydrogen water. I checked e-mail for one that asked for a review of the blue-blocking glasses. I started composing one. I paused to brush and swish and get dressed. But the power went out while I was getting dressed. We were advised about intermittant power outages this weekend. But I thought they would be quick. I could not see in the closet. When I finished and went back to my laptop, there was no internet, but I could jot notes for my blog. I was going to make tea, but the gas stove wouldn't light without electricity. At 8:30 we went to Tooele to the dentist. There was no place to park. So I went in and Chris left to do the shopping. The desk clerk took my temp and it was low, even for me. I waited to be called, then went back. A lady took a panoramic x-ray, then guided me to a chair. I waited until a young man came to clean my teeth. It did not take him long. I asked him about hygienists getting Covid more often than others because they work with unmasked people and he said no one at this practice ever got sick. After he left, I waited for the dentist. He checked my x-ray and said my teeth were great and he didn't know why it hurt to chew on tooth 19. I called Chris to say I was done and he said he was in the parkiing lot, having already done all the shopping. We went to Joanns to pick up the fabric I ordered last weekend, and then went to Melanie's for a beet drink. I got a special chocolate bar as well. They had a sign up saying almost 28 million people have recovered from Covid (according to Worldometer). We went home listening to the book on CD. Although we have heard it before, it is so long and involved that we were still surprised by what happens next. When we got back, we put the food away. The power was still out. I got the breakfast box out, and made some pre-breakfast concotions. The stove wouldn't light and I couldn't find matches or a lighter. If there was sunlight in the kitchen I might have tried a magnifying glass. William called to say he found another keyboard. During the conversation the electricity came on. I made tea to heat up bone broth, and lit a candle in case the electricity went off again. I made breakfast, and ate it while reading e-mail. I got out my orange blocks to see if they went with the fabric I picked up today, but they did not. Chris and I walked to the post office to pick up the mail, then went to the commissary for milk and cheese. When we got home, I talked to Michele, who had left a message on my phone. Then I changed clothes and went to work on gopher mounds and tunnels. I worked until dark, then came in for supper. Chris was gaming with the voices, and one of them was Michele's. I had gotten an envelop of hair from her in the mail today and used it on the gopher mounds. While I was eating, the game came to an end. There was a DVD from Netflix in the mail. We watched “Meet Me in St. Louis.” We thought it was about the World's Fair but mostly it was about the family with a psycho youngest daughter. Then it was time to blog and get ready for bed. I tried to wear my blue-blocking glasses, but it was just too difficult to make out the words on my screen. * another pretty picture from our anniversary trip to Zion National Park * ** this new Blogger interface is worse than the old one. **

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