Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween, but no trick or treaters

I listened to a sleep hypnosis track while lying in the recliner. Chris thought I went to bed, so he turned off the router and the lights and went to bed. I was really relaxed and on my way to sleep when the track stopped. I discovered Chris was gone and I went back to join him. I guess the track helped, because it didn't take hours to fall asleep.

In the morning, Chris got up late and I got up later. At a good stopping point in my routine, I laid on the bed and Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. We got into a discussion about the situation of the world. Later we got dressed. He played his game and I read e-mail. I had to curtail my routine because it got so late. I ate breakfast around noon. I read articles waiting for the weather to warm up.

About 1:30 I went out to dig gopher mounds on the other side of the house. I don't usually go over there so I was surprised to see so many. I dug up as much tunnel as I could but was unable to get all the dirt back where it came from. I sorted stones and selected a few to keep. I took the midafternoon supplements, then walked to the Post office. I picked up a package and two letters. One was a Halloween card from MaryAnn. Her timing was impeccable. I took the mail home, then went for a walk around the block to see the houses that were demolished. When I got back, I washed stones and took the prized few inside for closer inspection.

I ate supper. I read e-mail while listening to Sayer Ji talk about what's going on behind the scenes. I arranged fabric on a strip of Christmas material to see what it would look like as a mask. MaryAnn called, and I got to hear all about her cats (and other things). Then she got a call. Afterward I took a pic of the Christmas strip and sent it to Cherry. I finished the podcast while cutting out pieces for two masks, and the linings from Halyard 600. I sewed pinned quilt pieces and the first seams on masks. I cut some elastic to go with them.

I made my magnesium drink in a clear glass and it turned green. I don't know why. I sipped it as we watched two episodes of Hart of Dixie. Then we made the bed with fresh sheets, and I sat down to write up the events of the day.

* Three houses were taken down this week, but there is still a lot to haul off. *

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