Sunday, October 18, 2020

So many stones

I had trouble falling asleep last night. Then I woke in the middle of the night with RLS, even though I eat a banana every morning. We slept in. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Afterward, I made a quart of chamomile tea and checked e-mail. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I listened to Day 4 of the Truth about Vaccines Summit: Because of the amount of mercury in the multidose vial (50,000 ppb), the flu vaccine is considered hazardous waste. You cannot dispose of it in a garbage can. In some states if you drop the vial and it breaks, you are legally required to evacuate the building and call a Hazmat team to clean it up. Dr. Larry Palevsky said that most illnesses that lead to flu-like sypmtoms are not caused by the influenza virus. It was shown by an NIH study that taking Tylenol just before or after a vaccine increases the risk of autism. The United States requires the most childhood vaccines; 26 just for infants alone. But the US ranks 34th in infant mortality rates, not first. At 11:30 I made and ate breakfast. I cut some orange fabric into 18 inch wide strips. I cut up some cinnamon bundles and tied them with green ribbon. I wrestled with the desktop computer to scan and print some dahlia drawings. I packed the copies and some crayons and colored pencils so I would have something to do if no one showed up. At 1:58 I drove to the pavilion. The commander's wife and two others pulled up just behind me. I set up my materials and had them each choose which orange fabric they wanted. Then my neighbor and her granddaughter arrived. I gave them fabric, also. I demonstrated how to wrap the toilet paper with the fabric and stick the cinnamon stick bundles in the top. Then I gave the little girl a drawing to color while the adults sat and talked. The ladies were nice enough to stay until 3 and we had a good time. After they left, I walked to the post office (which was closed) to pick up a package. But instead of finding the package inside a locked cubby hole, there was a yellow slip to be presented to the clerk - during office hours. Sigh. I took my mail and walked back to the car and drove home. When I got home, I changed clothes and cleaned up some gopher mounds. One was on the side of a stretch of ground where grass doesn't grow, but tumbleweeds do. So I didn't mind digging along the tunnel across to the other side, hoping to find the burrow. I unearthed a lot of stones. There was one spot that seemed promising, but I couldn't dig deep enough with my trowel. I dug as deep as I could, then put in a bunch of food peels. I put the disc of dug-up rocks over it so I could spray them down with the hose. I noticed that behind my back, the gophers had dug five more mounds. Grrr. I could hear Chris talking to someone inside. I packed up and went in. He was chatting with Michele. I scrubbed some cute stones before I got out the jackfruit and ate some. Then I had beef and kimchi, followed by seed crackers. Chris put me on the phone with Michele and we had a lovely chat. I poured the rest of my chamomile tea into a tumbler and added magnesium and minerals. We watched two episodes of Battle Creek while I sipped it. Then I put away laundry that Chris had folded, and we made the bed with fresh sheets. I wrote up my blog post for the day and then went to bed. * A large bug that visited us the other day. *

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