Thursday, October 8, 2020

On the road again

I had trouble falling asleep. I was still awake when a motorcycle started up in front of the motel, wrenching Chris from sleep. He leaped out of bed, not realizing where he was. I wanted to go outside and give him/her a piece of my mind. It was really loud and very late at night. I also heard the restaurant next door restocking. Why does a restaurant need to restock in the middle of the night if they don't open until 5pm? My back hurt and I had to be very careful about getting out of bed, and sitting or standing. I took supplements, and swished. Then I worked on breakfast. I checked e-mail while eating. And then I got dressed and packed up everything. Chris loaded the car. I stood in the sun while Chris checked out. We stopped at a gas station called Terribles. Chris filled up the tank while I filled out the record book. We drove to Virgin Utah, and stopped at the place that has alligator jerky, but they were closed for the day. So we continued on to Dugway. We listened to the book on CD. I might have slept some. Along the way, I ate some seed crackers, and shared the smoked apple cheese with Chris. We got in around 3:30, after getting the mail from the post office. I unpacked while Chris took a call. I watered the plants. I opened a package to find vacuum cleaner belts. They looked too small. So I tried to call the company but got a busy signal. Then he went to the commissary. I went outside to treat some gopher holes and dig up some tunnels. He fixed steak for supper and then invited me in. I washed up and ate supper. I listened to Del Bigtree's Thursday broadcast. He interviewed some Osha experts who said it is illegal to require everyone to mask up without regard to their health, environment, activity, etc. Afterward, I made my magnesium drink and we watched two episodes of Another Life. I took two packets of vitamin C because my neck hurt, and did some lymph-moving facial massage. I brushed my teeth and swished while writing my blog post. Retreat was played over the loudspeakers and I realized that I didn't miss it at all on vacation. Chris had asked me what I liked about our vacation and it was being around people, and not being woken up by Reveille (as well as napping in the afternoon and having Chris' attention because his laptop isn't working). * Erosian can be beautiful *

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