Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Our 30th Anniversary

I did not sleep well last night. With the ceiling fan on, the temp was much better. But then I had restless leg syndrome. I tried not to move, but the urge came in waves and would not stop. I got out of bed and stretched. That helped a little. But then there was someone moving what sounded like cases of glass jars. There is a restaurant next door so maybe that was it? In spite of it all, I was sleeping at 7:30 when my alarm went off. Chris shut it off and I tried to go back to sleep, but did not suceed. It would have been nice to open the blackout curtains, but since there were no sheers and we were not dressed, we had to make do with lamps. I started with a protein supplement, and then molecular hydrogen. I got dressed and made breakfast. When we were ready, we went to Stop #7 to wait for the shuttle. After too long, it arrived and we rode the bus to Zion National Park. We walked Watchman Trail. It was 3.3 miles and labeled Moderate. It was arid, rocky, dusty and upward. I could imagine Jesus walking such a trail. We stopped here and there to rest or talk to people. We met a couple of Korean women and practiced the language. We met a family from California. They took our pic with my camera and we took theirs with their camera. We walked to the end of the trail and walked around the loop, taking pics. Faye called and we talked mostly about Dad and his fall. He got a black eye but the medical report is nothing serious. The scenery was awesome and worth the hard work to get up there. But the camera would not capture the true beauty of it. Then we walked down, stopping now and then to let people by because the trail was narrow and hikers were going in both directions. There were no handrails, so it seemed a little dangerous. But no one slipped and fell down the steep hillside. When we got back to the park center, we stopped to talk to a veteran sitting in a wheelchair and watching the hillside. Then we caught the next shuttle to stop number 5. We wanted to go to the grocery store for bananas. So we got off at 5, and walked halfway to stop 6 to find the grocery store. We bought bananas and cheese and bagels. Then we walked to stop 7 (where our hotel is). For lunch I ate a banana, strawberries, seed crackers and cheese. Chris put cheese on a bagel and microwaved it. He sat outside to eat. After eating, I told him I was going to lay down for a nap and he could use my laptop. His reply was doublful, but after I laid down, he did use my laptop. When I got up, he said I could have it back. He told me he got an e-mail saying someone would come by tomorrow at 5 to change out his motherboard. I deleted a bunch of e-mail that I wasn't going to be able to read. He took a shower. I washed up and changed clothes. At 5 we went next door to the King's Landing Bistro. We had a nice chat with the family behind us while we waited in line. Then we were taken to an outdoor table. The patio shared the same backyard as our room. I ordered an appetizer and San pellegrino while Chris got an entree, but both were small. I called William to wish him and Karen a happy anniversary. I ordered a hanging pretzel and we both ate it. It came with a small container of cheese and one of honey/mustard. Chris preferred the cheese and I liked the other. Chris started a conversation with the two couples at the next table. We had a nice conversation. After we paid, we went through the backyard to our motel room. Chris brushed his teeth, and then we got in the car and went looking for the sign advertising alligator jerky. I was certain we'd seen it from the car coming into town. He was certain he'd seen it from the shuttle going to the national park. So we went in both directions from the motel, but we never found it. I jotted notes for my blog and downloaded pics while Chris read e-mail on his phone. I finished watching a video on three ways to improve health. But they don't actually tell you unless you join their membership. I made my usual magnesium and glycine drink. Then we sat on the bed and watched two episodes of Another Life. Afterward, he went to bed and I stayed up to put the finishing touches on my blog and get ready for bed.

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