Tuesday, October 13, 2020

So many supplements

I was dreaming when my alarm went off. I shut it off and tried to get the dream back, but could not. So I got up about 8. I took supplements, brushed and swished. I checked e-mail. I put on a video and parsed out supplements while listening. I set aside the ones that needed reordering. I opened some windows to air out the place. Chris came home early for lunch. He brought me a printout of a memo on interaction with wild animals. He told me the upshot was 'don't feed the coyotes'. But when I read it, my attention was focused on 'prohibits the willful disturbing... of a wild animal”. Gee, I spend my days disturbing gophers and my nights thinking up new ways to disturb them. I put away a bunch of supplement boxes and made breakfast. I read an article by Jon Rappoport. He talked about the errors of the one-disease-one-cause thinking. He pointed out that the interviews with those whose lives are devastated by the lockdowns are missing from the mainstream media, which points to collusion among the media. He also listed a lot of ways in which the pandemic can (and very well will) be used to justify all the changes that the technocrats want to make to society. About 1:30 I went outside to clean up after the gophers. I did not follow the tunnels so the job was done more quickly than usual. I watered parts of the lawn and the flowers. When I came in, I put on another video, but this one had complicated science about cavitations creating radiation, and such. I absorbed what I could while mending Chris' pants and quilting a shower glove that came apart inside. The trumpet sounded at 5. Then I sat in the recliner with Holosync to meditate for an hour. After 50 minutes, Chris came home from work. We talked a little and he continued his game. I dealt with a mound in the back yard, then had supper. The outdoor temp was dropping quickly. I placed a few supplement orders, wishing I could get them all from the same source. Then I made seed crackers and read more articles. I sat down with crayons and a drawing the the quilt that Johnnie and I are doing. Chris turned the TV from his game to Netflix. We watched two episodes of Battle Creek. I drank magnesium and brushed my teeth. I colored in some of the quilt drawing, but I didn't have all the right colors of crayons. Then I typed up my blog, and got ready for bed. * These are the colors I picked out for my quilt. Kinda on the dark side, aren't they? *

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