Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The post office needed to reboot

I woke up not knowing what time it was. I had forgotten to bring my phone to bed. But the sun cleared the back wall all of a sudden. It turned out to be after 8. There was a message on my phone from Chris saying the internet was out and what would be a good time for the tech person to come. I texted back after 11. I plugged in the router anyway and the internet came up just fine. So I sent Chris an e-mail. I got ready for coffee morning. Chris replied that the man was coming anyway. I wasn't quite finished at 10:45, so I took a break to clean the living room and the front porch. When the man didn't show up at 11, I washed dishes in the kitchen until he did. He said the large temp swings each day loosen the contacts. He'd already checked the outside contacts. He came in to check the inside contacts and said they were fine. We chatted a little longer and he left. Then I finished up and continued cleaning. I listened to Day 8 of The Truth About Vaccines: Glaxosmithkline, Pfizer, Merck, and Sanofi who produce the 72 vaccines mandated by CDC for American children, are convicted felons. Since 2009, these four companies collectively have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties and damages and fines for defrauding regulators, for falsifying science, for bribing doctors, for lying to the public and for killing lots of people. Vioxx alone killed at least 120,000 people and probably closer to 500,000. Why do we trust that these companies will make 'safe and effective' vaccines, when their other products are not safe? The the number one most powerful lobby in Washington is Pharma. I put on my bathing suit and laid out in the sun, wondering if this was the last day I could do that. Then I took a shower. I sanitized the masks I made for Cherry and put them in envelopes, including the two I must have forgotten to send earlier. I taped the envelopes shut and went to the post office. It was a nice walk, and I get to take it again tomorrow, because the computer there wouldn't process the order. He weighed the envelopes twice and printed postage twice, but that was as far as the machine would go. So I agreed to come back tomorrow. There were packages for me which I picked up and took home. Once home, I opend the packages. One had connectors for J5 cables. I put three 6 foot sections together and had a wire long enough to hook the desktop to the router. I went out to handle gopher tunnels. Then I went back inside to listen to Holosync for an hour. I read part of the time, hoping that would help me fall asleep, but it didn't. I went back out to see what the gophers had done. I brought in some rocks and scrubbed them. I read e-mail until Chris came home. I listened to Alex Anderson while I fiddled with my quilt drawing, trying to figure out where the different shades of fabric should go and how to cut the pieces to use the least fabric. Chris watched Michele play a game on Youtube. Afterward, they spoke on the phone. I added magnesium to my chamomile tea and we watched two episodes of Hart of Dixie. Then I sat down to write up my blog post. * Our aloe looks so much better now that we brought it in for the winter. Why, it looks good enough to eat! *

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