Monday, October 12, 2020

Nose to nose with a gopher

I had the usual trouble falling asleep. Then, in the middle of the night I woke up with pain on the right side of my chest. It wasn't all that strong, but very unusual and it had me worried. I checked my pulse in both wrists and it was light. I decided that if it was serious, I would be dead before they could get me to a hospital an hour away. So I tapped and prayed and eventually went back to sleep. We stayed in bed late, needing more sleep than we got. Also having been awakened at 6:30 by the trumpet player. I think it was after 9 when we got up. I brushed my teeth and swished. I checked e-mail and read an article. I washed up and got dressed. I read an article about FOIA requests in major countries (US, Canada, Australia etc) to find whatever proof they have that the virus has been isolated, and all came back negative. I watched Dr. Andrew Kaufman talk about the testing that has been done and how it fails to prove anything. I felt a sore in the back of my mouth. I opened a jar of ozone cream and found a big brown spot on the paper seal that might go all the way through. I took a pic and wrote to the company to ask if it was safe to use. I got a fake e-mail supposedly from Paypal saying my account had been 'limited'. What surprised me was that it had a yellow star by it which in the past has always meant that I marked it as 'important' in Yahoo. But I hadn't seen the e-mail before. I didn't know scammers could pre-mark e-mail as if I had marked it. I made and ate breakfast. Chris invited me to go walking with him, so I put on long pants and shoes. We walked quite some distance to the upper housing hill. There were only 4 houses up there. They must feel more isolated than we do here. The commander's dog came over to greet us, and then the commander followed. We had a nice chat in his backyard. His wife and son came back from somewhere and we talked to her as well. They had something to attend to so we walked back, going a different way. I picked up a pink rock that might be pretty when cleaned up. I posted to the Dugway page, announcing a pumpkin-making class for Saturday. Then I put on shorts and went outside to disperse gopher mounds. I sifted through the dirt to pick out the rocks, putting the dirt in a bucket. Then I widened the hole and reached inside to determine which way the tunnel went. I put in some coffee grounds mixed with diatomaceous earth. Then I started stuffing dirt way down inside the tunnel as far as I could reach. Suddenly I noticed dirt flying back at my hand, and maybe a touch. I withdrew my arm quickly. I cupped my hands around the hole and put my eye to them. A little brown/gray nose came up, and then quickly disappeared. I went inside to ask Chris if gophers bite. Then I went back outside to finish the job. I had to fill in 4 or 5 tunnels, ending with the one that I stuffed with an oregano cotton ball yesterday. I guess they didn't like that. When I finished it and got the hose out to water, I noticed two more mounds had sprung up. Ambitious little critters, working behind my back. Actually I noticed one as he was getting started and I lobbed a small rock at him and he gave up. When I came in and washed my hands, I checked my phone. I got a message that three more people were coming to the Saturday event. Woo-hoo! I put on Holosync and laid down for a nap. I may have dozed off, but I was awake when Retreat was played. After that, I went back outside to deal with the extra mounds. When I came in, it was time for supper. I had some beef with kimchi and made a salad. I listened to some short summit presentations, then I made a magnesium drink. Chris pulled up Battle Creek on Netflix and we watched two episodes. Then I brushed again, and swished as I wrote my blog post, wondering if I would have to buy more supplies for Saturday.

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