Thursday, October 15, 2020

Returned at the post office

This morning I was dreaming when the trumpet played Reveille. I was dreaming about sleeping outside and not having any hotflashes. Sadly, I was not able to go back to sleep after that. Then my back gave me warning pains. My 7:30 alarm rang and I shut it off. Then I heard clicking, coming from my phone. I grabbed it, turned the screen off and laid it on Chris' side of the bed. Slowly, I was able to get up. I considered putting off detox and meditation morning till tomorrow. But I don't like to mess with the schedule. I walked out to the livingroom where Chris had unplugged the router. Slowly, I did a knee bend and reached for the plug to plug it in. And I got away with it. But I was still walking around carefully. I did a sinus rinse. I made coffee, and did most of my exercises. I listened to a meditation through a link in an e-mail. She suggested it be done lying down so I put a heating pad on the recliner and laid there. It helped some. I did my meditation and tapping. Afterward, I felt good enough to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris came home while I was cleaning and made lunch, adding crumbs where I had just cleaned. I mopped up the coffee spots that led from the kitchen to his laptop. Then I drank a cup of bone broth and took my morning supplements. After he left, I put on my bathing suit and went outside to sit in the sun. It was a windy day so I sat just inside the door of the shed. It was a protected but sunny spot. I started having a niacin flush and it lasted for a long time. When I finished reading, I came in and took a shower. And still the flush persisted. I took out the recycling, and packed up the blue-blocking glasses. I followed the return instructions precisely so I could get a refund. I took the box to the post office, where I picked up my last Swansons order. After mailing the box, I came home and started cleaning up after the gophers. Only old mounds today. They must be getting smarter because it is harder to find the tunnels from the mounds. Chris came home from work. I finished up outside and came in. I drank a can of coconut water. I was a little chilly so I laid down in the recliner with the heating pad and relaxed while listening to a podcast on back pain. I got out some more crayons and colored more of the quilt diagram. I decided that I should list the colors in order or prevalence in the pic and put them in the diagram that way. But the pic I had taken was on my laptop screen, so it was full of reflections of stuff in the room. I looked for it online, using keywords like screensaver, wallpaper, lock-screen, Microsoft, Bing, glaciers etc. Finally I turned to Pinterest. They gave me a set of pics and I chose the closest one. That brought up another set of similar pics, and I chose the closest one. It took some time, but eventually I found the right pic and saved it to my laptop. The colors were not as vivid as in the pic I took, but it will work for my purposes. By then it was late and even the sprinklers had finished. I made my magnesium drink and watched 2 episodes of Battle Creek with Chris. Then I brushed and swished. and wrote my blog post for today. * I saw this on Facebook and thought it was funny so I sent it to Michele. *

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