Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Still not 60

This morning, I weent back to sleep with mp3 headphones. They were out of power but helped with keeping down the sounds of Chris getting ready for work. I was awoken by the 7:30 alarm. When sleep finally cleared, I got out of bed. I read the birthday card that Chris left on my laptop. He added a sweet note to it. I took the first supplements and then got dressed. I added glue to the sections of the tree so it would not fall apart if hung on a wall. I brushed my teeth, then sat in the recliner with a book to swish and wait for the next supplement.

Swanson was having a 25% off entire order sale so I ordered extra vitamin C. It sounded like a house was being demolished in our back yard so I kept looking out the window, but no one was that close. I listened to an interview with Gen. Michael Flynn. He and McInerney talked about “Scorecard” and voter fraud, and foreign ownership of voting software in the US.

I made and ate breakfast. I called Etrade, and had to wait a long time to get through. He said they didn't sell gold. I looked several places online for novelty fabrics, but didn't find much in the prints I wanted. I caught up on some tapping videos. I took pictures of items for the next project. Since the headphones were charging on the laptop, I added the hypnosis tracks, hoping they would be effective at night.

Finally I went to the CDC to drop off the gingerbread tree and cookies. The two ladies who were decorating seemed happy to get the decorations. I offered to make strings of popcorn and cranberries, but they were doubtful about having edibles in the room. They gave me a roll of dark brown paper to make gingerbread men.

When I got home, I turned on the printer, and sent some images to the desktop computer. I printed out gingerbread shapes, then got out my projector. It took some finagling to set it up and get it focused and the right distance from the wall. I taped the brown paper to the wall, then put supper in the oven. I traced several gingerbread men with a white crayon and cut them out. Then I took a break to have supper.

I worked on a post for the Dugway page for craft group. I read other mail, putting it off and putting it off. Finally I tweaked it and posted it with pictures. I made my evening drink, and put it in front of the TV. I traced and cut out another gingerbread man. By then Chris was ready. So we watched a Netflix DVD called Easy to Wed, with Esther Williams and Lucille Ball. Then I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post before going to bed. My calf isn't bothering me any more, but I stretched it anyway.

* * Here is one of the projects I posted *

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