Monday, August 2, 2021

Another storm this way comes

I went to bed around 11 the night before. I fell asleep ok, but did not stay asleep. We got up around 8. I read outside for 45 minutes. I heard an alarm going off in the distance, so I told Chris about it. He knew what it was and called someone to report it. I forgot to water the plants. I asked Chris for a coconut oil massage, and he gave me one. He took a shower, and then I took one. By then it was 11:30 and there was no church because the chaplain was out of town and could not make other arrangements. I laid outside on the chaise lounge. I heard the kid from next door talking to other kids as they cut through my yard to get to the park. I came in. I cut my hair with the new comb, but it did not go that well. I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Chris started gaming with the voices. I finished the last of the watermelon. Later I walked to the post office. On the way back, I saw a storm coming from the south. I mowed until it arrived, then sat at laptop to read. Later I parsed two weeks worth of supplements, then ate supper. By 7 the storm was over. I went to the garden. I watered the plants, then met Jenni and we walked around the block. We came back to the gardens and looked at hers. Then I gave her a ride home. I went home, and heated tea. I placed a Swansons order. Then we watched two episodes of Blindspot. I hope that was the last of it because of all the violence. I got dressed for bed and wrote my blog post.

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