Friday, August 27, 2021

At least I could get out of bed

I read from a book before I went to bed, and I slept pretty well. The night seemed short. But my back was still hurting when I got up this morning. I double-swished as usual on Wednesday, but was unable to do the exercises. I decided to switch the Wednesday routine with the Thursday routine. I read a book while sitting against a heating pad. Then I moved to the couch to read, and fell asleep. I read some more and then went outside to read. I noticed the plants were wilting so I carefully picked up a water jug and poured water on them. I also turned on the hose and watered the plants growing by the house. I pulled a trap up and it had a gopher in it. I raked one gopher mound and flicked away the dirt from another.

In case Chris was trying to contact me, I went inside and turned on my phone and laptop. I did not see any messages, but started reading e-mail. There was a video from a nano researcher in Italy who said the nano lipid particle is playing a trick on the cell. Also, if you analyze a thrombosis, you can tell what caused it by what is inside. But whomever she contacted for samples, refused to send them, saying it was better not to know.

Chris came home for lunch. He brought me a package from the post office. He got rid of the gopher. After he left, I made up more mixes for seed crackers, and made a note to order more of the stuff I ran out of. Faye texted that William was sleeping after his operation. I talked to Faye for some time. Then I made breakfast for supper.

I put on my suit and went to the garden for the usual stuff. Then I went to the pool. They told me it was cold before I got in, but near the steps it wasn't so bad. My back felt fine while I was in the water. We mostly talked while kicking. Then we had to get out. I toweled off and chatted with Jenni in the parking lot. Then I went home and changed into my nightgown. I made tea, and we watched two episodes. Later Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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