Friday, August 13, 2021

Extra pool time

I got up about 8, I read outside for half an hour. A hummingbird came by once. I made coffee and did special exercises. Then I meditated and tapped for a couple hours. I watered some plants, then cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. I ran the vacuum in the livingroom.

I read e-mail for a bit, then walked to the library. I turned in the book from yesterday and Blindspot. I checked out another book and chatted with the librarian. I headed out at 5:30. When I got home, I mowed in the shadowed side yard. When I looked in the garage, there was only one bag of salt left. The water softner must have been really low.

I tuned in to, but there was not much going on at the time. I put on my bathing suit and went to the pool. I gave Jenni back her jar. She led Heather and me in water aerobics. Some people were having a party at the pool, so it did not close at 8. I guess they stayed until it did, but the air was cooling down so I got out and dried off, then went home.

I made the usual tea. We watched two episodes of Dr Blake's Mysteries. I think I dozed off. So when it was over, I went straight to bed and slept pretty well.

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