Friday, August 6, 2021

Diving lessons

Wednesday was meditation morning. I read outside, and fed the plants. I made coffee, exercised, tapped, etc. Chris came home for a brief time around 11:15. I told him some things I was thinking about and he said they were good ideas and I should put them in an e-mail to him. He left, and I finished my morning routine. Then I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. There wasn't time to vaccuum. I took a shower and got dressed, then turned on the router. I met with Dr. Danenburg. It was only a half hour introductory call, but it went on for almost an hour.

Afterward, I checked e-mail. I vaccuumed in the livingroom, but it didn't smell right so I opened the lower panel. The beater bar and belt seemed to be fine so I put it back together.

I dug up some gopher mounds. I put both traps and a rubber snake in one area. I listened to This Week with Polly and Mary. They addressed the pandemic of the unvaccinated. The CDC has skewed the numbers by counting all the unvaccinated who test positive, but only those vaccinated who get hospitalized or die. Also, the category of 'vaccinated' contain only those who had both shots and are 14 days past the second one. Anyone partially vaccinated or who tests positive less than 14 days past the last shot, is thrown in the unvaccinated category. Since the first shot only induces binding antibodies and the second one induces neutralizing antibodies, those who only have the first shot are more likely to get infected.

I also listened to a live conference called Stop the Shot untill it ended. One of the doctors said it was impossible to tell if the vaccines are effective or not because the PCR test is so unreliable.

Chris came home from work. I found some shoe strings and walked to the garden to tie up errant tomato branches. I also watered some of the last plants. Of my three snakes, I could only find two and they were not where I left them. I wondered who had been in my garden. When I got home, I changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool. Jenni was in the water with 4 other ladies. I joined the class. It ended early so I asked the lifeguard to show me how to dive. All I wanted was to use the diving board, but he had me do several kinds of dives off the side before he got on the board. And then he did a jump and flip, not the kind I had in mind. I did a simple one and then we were told it was time for the pool to close. I got out and dried off. I talked to Jenni for a bit, then came home.

I changed into dry clothes and made tea. We watched an episode of Warehouse 13 and one of Blindspot. Then I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post and check e-mail one last time. I also composed a reminder e-mail to Chris so he would have it in the morning.

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