Friday, August 20, 2021

The storm

I took the Chillow to bed, but it ran out of cool. I woke up at 5, turned on the ceiling fan, but didn't fall back asleep until after 7. But then I got a full sleep cycle. So I woke up again after 9. I kind of rushed through meditation morning to make up for time. Chris came home early for lunch (uggh). After he went back, I cleaned for longer than usual - not sure why it took so long. I took a shower and got dressed and cleaned the basins which were soaking in soapy water.

I turned on the router and checked e-mail. An ICU nurse did a presentation on the evidence that we are being lied to by the media. She pointed out that if you are under 70, you are less likely to die of covid than of the flu, but you won't hear that on the news.

While I was listening, Eileen texted about having no electricity. Power over there was out due to the storm. Chris came home from work. I went to the garden to fertilize. Tomatoes were topheavy and falling over. When I got back, I checked e-mail while listening to documentary about vaxxed vs unvaxxed children. The unvaxxed ones were so much healthier and recovered quicker.

I read on the local Facebook page that people were wondering when the power would come back on. I told Chris and he checked with his team. I posted the answer.

Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Person of Interest. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and read a few more e-mails. Newscast said Red Cross cannot accept convalescent plasma from people who have gotten the vaccine because the vaccine wipes out the antibodies making the plasma ineffective. Dr said no vaccine has ever stopped transmission.

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