Monday, August 30, 2021

Catching up on mowing

I got up late. I read my book for over an hour. I dug up gopher mounds and set traps. I watered the outdoor plants. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, and then I took a shower.

I made breakfast, and ate while I listened to a talk on the spiritual war going on. I mowed, finishing up the one side yard and starting on the other. I pulled weeds, and trimmed along the sidewalk. I pulled a dead gopher from a hole. Chris got rid of it for me and I reset the trap.

I came in to rehydrate. I listened to a man talk about how Trump had a plan for leaving Afghanistan which was working, albeit slowly, and the Biden administration would not listen to those who were planning it, canceled it without having a plan of their own. So the Taliban decided they could not work with the US if the Biden admin would not keep the promises of the Trump admin.

I went to the garden to water. Then I went to the pool. After water aerobics, Jenni showed me what she got at the craft supply resale store in Salt Lake City. When I got home, I changed into my nightgown. I made tea, and we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13. I got really sleepy afterward, so we made the bed and I laid down without posting to my blog. Soon Chris came to bed and we fell asleep.

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