Sunday, August 8, 2021


I got up very late since we went to bed so late. I read outside for longer than I intended. Chris went to work to finish something. I read articles about whistleblower risk assessors in the EPA being pressured to downplay risks they find in new chemicals.

I made and ate breakfast, and listened to a newscast. I generated a shopping list low in lectins, oxalates and phytates. Chris finally came home with beer. Then I packed the cooler with ice. Chris put fish in the oven for me.

We were headed to Tooele when we picked up a man with an empty gas can and took him to town. He was quite a character. We dropped him off on a side street where he indicated. We shopped at Luckeys, then at the farm stand where I bought corn and a cantaloupe. I shopped at Melanies (who for once had coconut milk) and then at Macey's. Then we went home, stopping by the post office where I picked up two packages. One of them held green fabric for the outdoor lounge.

Chris cooked the corn. I had one cob and fish. I also made a salad. After eating, I mowed the back yard and side yard until the battery ran down. I plugged it in to recharge, then made tea. We watched two episodes of Blindspot. I thought we were done with it, but there was another DVD. Sigh. We stayed up on our respective laptops. I blogged and went to bed.

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