Tuesday, October 12, 2021

More stuff for the swap shop


We got up just before 9. I had slept fairly well, but woke up several times during the night for no discernible reason. I drank a lot of water, then brushed and swished. I washed some dishes and wiped the countertops. I read e-mail. I watched a video as a lady took a magnet to the beach and it scarfed up what I thought was black sand. She thought it was graphene oxide from masks thrown into the ocean.

I checked the weather. By Tuesday it will be in the low 20's. Bye bye tomatoes. I watched an 8 minute video which consisted of various farmers explaining that the govt was paying them 1.5 times what their crops are worth to destroy them, and refusing to pay subsidies if they don't destroy them. One man said he got a letter from the govt instructing him to dump oil on the roads of his farm. He called for confirmation and was told to follow the letter. Another man said he was given two options: destroy it himself or let the govt spray agent orange on it. So he mowed it under. Another man showed the USDA letter and their binder of instructions on how to destroy his crop.

I showered and dressed, then went to the garden to uncover the tomatoes. When I got back, I read some more, then we got in Chris' car and went to the chapel. Mike, the guitarist, told me how he had mixed me up with the mother of one of his students. He has hardly ever spoken to me before so I did not pay attention to the countdown. When the chaplain started speaking, I rushed to get to my seat beside Chris. The colonel and his wife sat behind us. As usual, we sang three songs, and then the chaplain spoke about King David and Bathsheba. Afterward, I talked to Johnnie, and Chris talked to the colonel.

As we drove home, Chris said the colonel had stuff to drop at the swap shop. So I changed clothes and walked over to Rusty's house to get the key back. We talked for awhile. When I got back, I made and ate breakfast, and read e-mail. I drove my car back and forth over where some large gopher mounds had been to collapose all the tunnels, then put the dirt in the low places.

Chris got a text from the colonel. We drove over to his house and Chris helped him load the truck. I spoke with his wife and she gave me a book to read. Then I followed them to the swap shop. Chris helped him unload. She helped me move a table into the other room. Rusty had left things nicely laid out. The colonel wanted to walk around the post office complex and see what services used to be there (like Subway, barbar shop, mommy and me class, credit union, etc, )

When we got home, Chris cooked beets in the rice cooker and fish in the oven. I ate supper and read e-mail. Then I went to the garden with hot water. I picked a bunch of tomatoes, then covered the vines with sheets, leaving the container of water to heat it. The ladies arrived and we walked around the block, talking. But soon after that, we went home. I read articles online, then made tea and we watched two episodes of Person of Interest. After that, I posted to my blog for Saturday, then listened to another interview. Dr. Lyons-Weiler said the spike protein is cytotoxic.

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