Sunday, October 31, 2021

We finished cleaning that house


I woke up early because my hand had fallen asleep and I couldn't wake it up. I got very worried, and realized this happens a lot, but this was the worst it has been. I was afraid to go back to sleep and have it happen again. Finally I got up. I made lemon juice, posted to my blog for Wednesday, and listened to more of The Highwire:

Lawyer filed FOIA request for all clinical trials that FDA used to license flu shots for pregnant women. He had to sue them in court to get them to admit that they did not have ANY, and they have never licensed flu shots for pregnant women. There was only one study of Dtap and autism, and it shows an association. They didn't produce any evidence that any of the vaccines given in the first year of life do not cause autism. Those vaccines given to babies are only reviewed for 5 days for adverse reactions. The lawyer submitted a FOIA for vaccine trials that followed babies for more than a week, but the response was that they could not process that request.

I got to Rusty's house at 9, and started cleaning. Jaime got there at 9:30. She spent at least an hour going over stuff I had already done. Then she worked on the garage and the yard while I tidied up the kitchen and mopped my way to the front door. We wiped down the outside of the door jamb and divided up the stuff that Rusty left in the garage.

We finished just after 1. I made two trips home to carry it all. Chris helped unpack the car the second time. I left some stuff in the car for next week. I ate seed crackers, packed the cooler and we went to Tooele.

We shopped at the usual places. When I went to Melanies, I was measuring nutritional yeast into a bag when the bulk foods section started falling off the wall. It was exciting. When I checked out, I paid by credit card, then remembered it was Cash Friday. Oh well.

When we got back to Dugway, we stopped at the post office for mail, then came home. I put most of the food away, then sat at my laptop and ate jackfruit while catching up on e-mail. I posted to Facebook that the swap shop would be open tomorrow afternoon. Chris called his parents and we all had a nice chat. At 6:30 I went to Jenni's house, but her back was out and she didn't want to walk. So I went home. Later I made a salad, then heated water for tea. We watched two episodes of Person of Interest. I posted to my blog and jotted notes for the next day. Then I read e-mail for too long and went to bed after midnight.

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