Friday, October 15, 2021

New shelving for the swap shop


I think I slept pretty well. Chris was gone when I woke up. I prepared for the usual meditation morning with coffee and exercise. I put on the CD lineup, skipping the first CD. I read for 20 minutes with the Happylight, then meditated and tapped. Then I started cleaning. Chris came home for lunch before the music ended.

I was cleaning in the kitchen when Brian called. He wanted me to go to the landfill with him to offload the bad wood and see some shelving that he noticed was there last week. He gave me half an hour, so I got ready, then continued cleaning until I saw his truck drive up. I ran out to meet him. I got in his vehicle which was towing a shallow trailer. We went to the landfill and threw out the wood onto a very large pile of excess wood. Then he drove over to the metal pile. There were a number of metal shelving units that had been thrown out. Most were very shallow, but we picked out 5 which were 8 to 10 inches deep. Together we got them on the trailer. We also found some extension ladders which were missing a rope. We took the best of the two.

We went back to my house for the swap shop key and a dolly/trolley. Then we went to the swap shop, which is in the post office building, and found stuff to hold the doors open. Then we used the trolley to get the shelving units into the room I intended to set them up in. We took a break during which I went home to get water and use the bathroom. He went home to get tools. After some discussion, we decided to make a square with the 4 eight-inch units. I had scavenged some screws from the site and Brian brought more. I did my best to help or stay out of the way as he bolted the units together. There were some bent parts which he knocked into place with a hammer. Then we moved an existing shelf, and put up the 12 inch unit. It made a mess but we were both tired. He took me home and dropped off the trolley.

I checked my phone and saw that Jenni and Michele had called. So I called Jenni back. She was shopping for wreath stuff. Michele was having trouble with her sewing machine and I gave her my best advice. Then I put a shovel in the car and went to the garden. I dug up all the sweet potato plants. Only two, the very first and very last, had potatoes. I also found 2 white potatoes and a handful of small red potatoes. These were from plants I haven't seen in months since they got covered up by bigger plants. Then I started picking tomatoes. I picked them all, except for the soft ones that probably got frozen. I filled a bag, a medium size planter and part of a very large planter. Just before I left, I dug up a bunch of onions that Jenni had told me I could.

It was 6:15 and I wondered if I should wait for the ladies to arrive for walking. But I was cold, so I went home and made hot tea. Chris was there and helped me take the dirty sheets from my trunk, plus all the veggies I had picked. There wasn't time to drink the tea so I poured it into a kombucha bottle and drove back to the garden. The ladies were already there. As we walked around the school block, I held the super hot bottle to my chest to keep warm. When it cooled down enough, I drank it. We came back around to Jenni's van and stood talking. Finally we all went home.

Chris was still gone to the colonel's house for supper when I got back. I put half the sheets in the washing machine. I made a Swansons order. I read e-mail and watched videos. I jotted notes for my blog. At 11pm, Chris still wasn't home. I called him and there was no answer. I moved the sheets to the dryer and started putting more sheets in the washer. I heard something and went to check. Chris was home. He told me how wonderful I was and that the colonel said so too. Chris gave me two items that the colonel wants mended. Chris also brought home 4 dozen eggs from the lady who raises chickens and cattle on the side. He spoke for some time. I finished putting sheets in the washer and added borax because the sheets were still stained. I took the dry ones from the dryer. I posted to my blog, stretched, and went to bed.

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