Friday, October 29, 2021



I got up around 8 and made lemon water. I looked in the guest closet to see what garb I had. I texted with Michele while reading e-mail. I went to clean at 9:15. I got a call from another potential customer. I cleaned walls and baseboards. I tried to vacuum the intake grill, but it was too dusty.

I came home for breakfast around 12:20. Chris was here with his Thursday pizza. We talked about garb. He wanted to wear his Mongolian cowboy outfit. I listened to part of The Highwire: Lots of doctors spoke against vaccinating children for covid because of all the unknowns, to the FDA. But the committee recommended it anyway. I paused it to go back to cleaning at 2:15. I cleaned until 4:15, mopping the floor in the bathroom and the dining room, and partly in the den. I mopped some of the kitchen where I had spilled my tea while cleaning the vent over the counter top.

I returned home. I had a bite to eat. Chris came home and changed into his Mongolian cowboy outfit. William called to talk about finding my stuff in Dad's attic. Then I got dressed in Scadian garb. We drove to the chapel, parked, and walked to the school.

Parents were setting up for Trunk-or-treat and the PTSO was setting up to serve food and sell baked goods. Chris and I walked around, looking at the progress and talking to people. Since we were on the judging panel, I noted those displays that had sound effects, an activity, showed creativity, or handed out something other than candy.

At 6 the judges were called over to the bus loop to judge costumes. I did not have checklist for that. Thankfully they called the children forward by age groups and we picked a 1st , 2nd, and 3rd winner from each group. But it was hard and they were all so cute. Then we did the displays. Again, it was hard to narrow it down to 3. Afterward we got into a discussion with the colonel and head of PTSO about having the next Halloween in one of the haunted buildings, like the old clinic.

I got a phone call from the man who called earlier to get his house cleaned next week. He gave me his garage punch code. I walked over to Jaime to see if she wanted to check it out this weedend so we could give him a quote. She wanted to do it immediately. So I gave Chris back his keys and she drove me over to my house to get my keys to open Rusty's house to get the address of the house to be quoted. We went to the address and punched in the code, but it didn't work. She went around back to look in the windows and discovered the back door was unlocked. So we went inside and looked around. The wood floors were bad, as were the toilets and the stove, but everything else was fine, and there were no carpets. We settled on a quote of $500.

She drove back to the school to find her kids. I called Chris (who had gone home) to come get me. Once home, I changed clothes and called the man back to tell him the quote. Then I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. I made more mixes for next time, noting what I needed more of. I read e-mail until they were done, then turned the oven off and heated tea. We watched two episodes of Person of Interest. Chris and I fell asleep on the couch, so we just went to bed, no blogging.

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