Sunday, April 24, 2022

A quilting challenge


We slept in. Chris kept getting texts about the gov't internet being down. He thought it was hacked. I was relieved to find the civilian system was still up.

I read e-mail, then got dressed and went to the swap shop at 10. The lady I opened it for said she had been waiting since 9. I could have been there earlier had I known. She brought a desk and I tried to help her lift it but it was too heavy. So we slid it on a piece of cardboard.

Afterward, I picked up my packages at the post office and went home. I opened them and pulled out the contents. I continued reading articles, then asked Chris for a massage. He gave me one, then took a shower. I made and ate breakfast.

Faye called. She was with Asha and Asha wants a quilt made of her mother's saris and her father's shirts. I thought it would be a shame to cut up a sari. She'll Skype me next week to show me the saris.

I read until 3, then met Jenni at the school. We walked around the block, taking a slightly longer route so I could look for a tulip that bloomed last year where a house had been torn down. But I didn't see it. I did see lots of trash, which I picked up and threw in the school's trash can. We had a nice chat and agreed to meet tomorrow at the gym.

I wanted to work outside, but it was chilly and windy. I read articles all afternoon. Chris baked brussels sprouts and chicken. I also ate pineapple and jackfruit. I fed sprout peelings to the worms. The wind had died back, so I turned the compost pile and raked over some gopher mounds.

I posted to my blog and made tea. We watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. I wanted to go to bed, but it had no sheets. So Chris got the sheets from the dryer and we dressed the bed. Then we retired for the evening.

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