Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lights out


It was a terrible night. I could not breathe through my nose, and my lips were dry and sore. Although it is true that holding your breath will open your nose, it takes getting to the point of great discomfort for it to happen, and then it doesn't last.

I got up, rinsed my sinuses, took charcoal, then brushed and swished. Swishing is difficult when you can't breathe through your nose. I tried H2, sniffing eucalyptus oil, and taking packets of vit C. I searched the house for oregano oil, but did not find it.

I listened to the rest of the Defeat the Mandates event. They played my favorite song “God over Government”. I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch but didn't stay long. He took the flag back to the CSM. Kurt texted me about Mom's birthday.

When my friends started texting about walking, I got dressed. But I decided not to join them. Instead, I got fresh air by flattening gopher mounds. I used the shell/vinegar mixture to make mineral water for my plants.

I watched Stew Peters' interview Dr. Brian Ardis: In Latin, 'virus' means venom and 'corona' means crown. Elevated d-dimer levels is one possible sign of snake venom poisoning. King cobra venom causes kidney failure. Monoclonal antibodies are anti-venom. Antibodies in Wuhan genetic sequences are most like proteins in two snakes: king cobra and chinese krait. Venom in the mouth can cause loss of taste and smell for a long time. Unusually small number of smokers were being hospitalized with covid. Nicotine stops venom from paralyzing diaphram. Euthanizing drugs are same drugs used for intubation. A co-founder of Moderna is starting an anti-venom company called Ophirex to treat the neglected global threat of snakebites. He wants to use mRna technology to vaccinate people in rural villages. The company is funded by DoD, Wellcome Trust, and UN.

I ate some pineapple and a cucumber. Chris came home and proclaimed water falling from the sky. Not something you see every day around here. I ate mashed up pickled garlic. I read an article on big tech tracking. I wrote and posted to my blog.

The electricity went off around 8. Chris went outside to take pics of the snow. (The rain had turned to snow). He texted people to find out what is going on. I lit a candle in the bathroom. There was nothing to do. When daylight completely faded, I lit a candle in the diningroom. I lit a wooden skewer and got a gas burner going so I could make tea. But there was nothing to watch.

Apparently only half the base was out of electricity, so I drove around to see what areas were affected. It seemed the chapel was lit, but the RV park was not. So if need be, we could open the chapel for them. But then, just as we were taking bets on whether Taps would play, the electricity came on and it did play. Kind of odd that it went off at 8 and came on right at 10. Chris said they just needed to flip a breaker. Michelle texted me most of the time and offered us a place to stay if necessary.

Tv time was over, so I read e-mail for awhile, then went to bed.

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