Sunday, April 3, 2022

The greenhouse


I got up around 8. I prepared for the day and read e-mail. At 10 Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I took a shower and got dressed. I wrote a check to the church.

I went to the swap shop. A group of people were there with mostly kid stuff. They were moving in a day or two, but hung around to look at things. Jamie arrived before they left. Then she went home for more bags. She was collecting things for Ukrainian refugees. When she got back, we sat in the coat room and tapped together. Around 12:30, we finished up. She wanted the swap shop keys so I handed them over. I went home for breakfast.

I talked to Faye to find out when her mastectomy will be, but it isn't scheduled yet.

Chris put a sewing machine in my trunk and followed me to the chapel. I set up for sewing class. No one came, so I cleaned in the kitchen. The stainless steel fridge was hard to clean spotlessly. Diane texted that she was coming over for rocks.

I went home and collected rocks from various places around the yard. Diane came over with 5-gallon buckets. We half-filled them with rocks I have collected from gopher mounds. We went to the greenhouse by the garden. (One of the gardens was planted already! ) She had cleaned it up and covered the floor with red mulch. We made a rock path. I donated a shower curtain from the last apartment to cover the gardening table. We went back to my house for more rocks. After spreading them, she took me home. She gave me a package of strawberry starts.

Jenni texted about walking, so I suggested in 10 minutes. I put on my shoes and drank tea. I showed up at her house and we walked around the school block. I brought a plastic bag for picking up trash. I was surprised how much there was considering I had just done it a few days ago.

When I got home, I made a salad and read e-mail. I ate pineapple and noticed my mouth was bleeding. I checked online, and found out that bromelain digests protein, which is what the inside of my mouth is made of. Then I looked up pineapple facials, hair tonic. I rubbed pineapple peels on my face. I wondered if it would be good for that itch. But if it digests protein, it would break down my hairs.

I wrote down the events of the day. We watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. Chris gets such a kick out of it. Then I read e-mail while Chris warmed up the sheets. I listened to an interview on soil. I expected to help him make the bed, but he did it on his own because my right hand is hurting. We both stayed up late, then went to bed.

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