Thursday, April 14, 2022

Time in the sauna


I had slept well, not noticing Reveille or Chris getting ready for work. As I headed to the kitchen, I stopped to check the worms. Many had crawled out of the main bin, into the lower bin. It had water in it and some worms had drowned. Sigh. I had to move the rest back to the main bin where the food and bedding were. I drained the water from the lower bin and wished them well.

I made coffee, did lymph-moving exercises, drybrushed, etc. I read a book for 20 minutes. I meditated and tapped. I took detox supplement, including H2. Then I started cleaning. Chris came home and warned me that a man was coming to fix the bathroom sink in 20 minutes. So I quickly cleaned that bathroom and took a shower. Then Chris left and met the man arriving. I cleaned in the kitchen as he worked in the bathroom and soon he was done.

I read e-mail, then started a Swansons order. Michelle texted while I was on the phone with Jenni. She was off base. I met Michelle at the school and we walked around the school. We also did another, warmer block, which took us by the apple tree and pear tree.

We talked until I got really cold, then I went home. I finished the order, and read articles until almost 6:30. Then I packed a bag and went to the sauna. Michelle was already in. We sat and talked for an hour. I brought water to drink. Heather talked to us a little bit before her workout. When our time was up, Michelle and I talked in the changing room, then again out in the parking lot. Heather came out to join us. But finally I got cold again and had to go home.

I took another shower and it really dried out my face. I read articles, and wrote a blog post. I made tea and we watched three episodes of Cheers. Chris wanted to get to bed early because he had to get up early to work out with the colonel. I stayed up to watch the third part of the venom theory, then went to bed. My back was not happy and I hoped it would be better in the morning.

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