Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Vinegar and eggshellls


I got up late. After the usual morning routine, I took the roasted egg shells from the oven and put them in a baggie. Some went into a jar which I filled with distilled vinegar. I left them sit and the concoction frothed as the vinegar released minerals from the shells. The froth died back after awhile. The directions say to leave it sit for a week.

I read news articles. I came across a recipe for flax bread, which I want to try when my flax order comes in. I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home and put chicken in the oven at a low temperature.

I rested my right wrist on a bag of frozen lentils. I rubbed pineapple peel on my arm and forgot to wash it off. But it didn't make the skin on my arm look any better, which it did do on my face.

At 2:30 I went to Saronna's house with some egg white muffins leftover from Sunday. We played music and she took breaks to tend to the kids. Wyatt came over after school. He did a good job on the B flat scale.

When I got home, Jamie rescheduled our meeting so she could concentrate on swap shop items for the Ukraine refugees. I did more research online. I ate fruit, then Chris came home and pulled the chicken out. He said Faye wanted me to call her. He cooked mushrooms while I chatted with her. Then I called Kurt to tell him her news. Chris warmed up rice in the mushroom juice. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. We both stayed up. I went to bed first, and Chris stayed up to write an e-mail.

* This will be a soil amendment for the garden *

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