Friday, April 15, 2022

The house on the hill


I had slept ok, but my back hurt. So I went for a walk around the block. I did a detox supplement regimen. I read e-mail with the Chillow in the chair behind me. Jenni came over with a covid test kit. But it was from China and for nasal swab only. So I didn't use it. But we had a nice chat. I gave her some vitamin D.

I renamed all my sewing photos in order to pick a project for Saturday. I watched another video on snake venom, then The Highwire. I chose a bag/basket project and pulled fabric and interfacing for it.

I was going to go out in the sun, but it kept going behind clouds. Finally at 3:30 I went to the gym to walk with the ladies. I thought it was nice enough to walk outside, but... Afterward, I went home, and posted to the Facebook page about the project, using the pic that came with the instructions since I hadn't made a sample.

Michelle texted me, asking me to come to her house. So I drove over there. She told me to get in her car and she took me up to the house on the hill. She had gotten the key from Housing. We had to clear some tumbleweeds to get to the door. We looked around. I had seen it before, but she identified things she would like to see changed. As we sat on the window seat, we talked about the possibilities. I still didn't want to move in.

Then the commander showed up, seeing an unfamiliar car in the driveway. He said they were going to change the flooring and the windows, and the dryer hookup. Then he invited us to his house to show me how to care for his cats when he goes on vacation. His house is really nice! And a lot newer.

Michelle drove us to Housing to return the key, just in time before they closed. We went back to her house and sat in her car while she assured me that she would like to take on this project (she is an interior designer) for free and she could help me make the best out of a situation that I didn't want.

I went home, and found Chris still gone. I listened to a QnA on the venom theory. Chris came home and made himself supper. He explained that they did not have the money to replace the old metal windows in the house on the hill. The carpet was a maybe. I ran to the library to return Gomer Pyle and get another DVD, but they were closed.

I jotted notes for today's blog and wrote up the notes from yesterday. We watched four episodes of Cheers. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to catch up on e-mail.

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