Sunday, December 3, 2023

A very busy day


I got up after 8. I took supplements, then brushed and swished. I got dressed. I tried to mend a sock, but ended up having to take all the stitches out. Michele called and we talked about holiday plans. I went to the company house to get the laundry started. It was clear that someone had thrown out the big empty boxes and moved or removed stuff that had been on the kitchen counters. But, there was some stuff still in the master bedroom so I guess they haven't left for the holidays.

I went home. I watered the plants and jotted notes for my blog. I checked the water in the pans. It was not quite frozen and the temp was 35. Sigh. I watched videos of playing the end of Myst III. He used the ending choice that I figured out too late. I got to see how that turned out. And then I proceeded to the first video explaining Myst IV.

I went back to the company house to throw the laundry in the dryer. I also made the bed. Then I went home and Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. We both took showers, and I made breakfast. I read e-mail as I ate. Then I went into the garage to look for more garland and lights. I found both green and shiny stuff. I put it in my trunk along with the sewing bag; Chris got a big box down and I pulled sets of hangers from it. Finally, with my trunk full, I went to the chapel.

I moved all the bags inside and unlocked the doors. I set up one sewing machine. I cut out two white stars and sewed them together with a yellow zigzag stitch. I left an opening at the bottom for the star to sit on some thing like a stick.

Saronna's kids arrived just before Isadora. Jenny came and so did Anca with her bundle of kids. Luckily, only one of them wanted to make a tree. So, ALL the hangers got used. Some used the garland lights, which were not 9 feet long unless you include the bare cord with the battery compartment on the end. Some used strings of lights that I had from years ago. They were strings of 100, which seemed like too much, but I couldn't just cut one in half. ALL the garland got used, including what was on my two sample trees. And most of the extra stuff. Thankfully Saronna brought some garland too. Sadly, some people had to mix different kinds of garland which wasn't as nice. But I just couldn't find the right stuff in town.

After they were done, I worked with Anca on her brand new dress which got chewed by their pet. I ended up cutting off the bottom and offering to serge the edge. I worked with Wilhelm on sewing a star for him. Then we all cleaned up because it looked like a Christmas tree exploded everywhere. The tinsel was particularly hard to get up.

They all went home. I went to the company house to fold the laundry and hang the towels. I wiped the kitchen and bathrooms. I broomed the floor and emptied the trash. The floor needed mopping, but it was getting dark and the lights were inadequate. And I was tired.

So I headed home, stopping at the post office. I was expecting a package, but I got a yellow slip of paper instead, and the desk was closed. When I got home, I sat to read e-mail and check Facebook. There was a message asking if someone could open the swap shop. So I sent a quick reply and ran down and did that.

Chris made cauliflower steaks for supper. I had some of that and some beef. The beef was dry so I added an avocado. Then I picked some greens from the tower garden, added tiny tomatoes just turning ripe, and made a salad.

I read articles and watched videos of Christmas crafts. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. Afterward, we dressed the bed in clean sheets. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail.

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