Saturday, December 30, 2023

Hot time in the sauna


I got up around 8. I took supplements and checked e-mail. William called to tell me about a serger he found at the thrift store. I went to the company house to throw the first load in the dryer and start the towels and pillow cases. I dressed the bed in the master bedroom.

I went home. I parsed out a weeks-worth of supplements and read e-mail. I went back to the company house to put the second load in the dryer. I went home and made breakfast. I took pics of hints for Myst IV.

After eating, Michelle texted me to come to the sauna because it was finally hot. Someone had kept the timer going for two hours and now it had reached 180. Well, I told her I was going to Tooele with Chris. But then Chris said I should go to the sauna if that's what I wanted to do.

Just then, Jenni called to say she was coming over to get the wreath case in my trunk. So I packed my sauna bag and waited for her. After she came by, I went to the gym and got in the sauna. But Michelle wasn't there. The meter said it was 190 but I stayed in for 10 or 15 minutes and didn't sweat. So I got out and called Michelle. She said she'd be by in a few minutes. So I waited until I cooled off, and I went in again. This time I sweated. When I got too hot, I got out and got dressed. That is when she showed up with her daughter. So we talked for a bit and I went home.

I added to the grocery list while Chris packed the cooler. Then we went to Tooele and listened to the book on CD. We shopped at the usual places. I talked to Melanie and Dale. We went back to base. We shopped at the commissary, then went home and unpacked.

The sun was setting so I ran over to the company house to finish up as best I could. I dressed the last bed. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I swept and mopped the main traffic ways. Then I scrubbed the doormat and left it on the washing machine to dry. I guess I'll have to go back.

I locked the door and drove home. Chris had ground beef and rice waiting for me. It was quite good. As I ate, I jotted notes for my blog.

Around 8, I got ready for game night. I poured tea into a bottle. I got the zucchini that Jenni gave me, and an empty container to put it in. I also took a container of cheese squares. I went to Michelle's house. She put the 'zucchini' in her Vitamix to shred it. But the vegetable had seeds like a pumpkin. So it was a gourd of some kind. The plan is to pickle it. Then I sat back on the couch and played Myst IV. I had notes on my phone, which only got me so far. But I figured out some stuff on my own. There was a power blip that ended the game and everything it was running on. So Casey spent some time getting it all back up. Thankfully I did not have to completely restart. I played until 11, then prepared to leave with the 'slaw'. A fun time was had by all. When I got home, Chris was in bed. I turned out all the lights, intending to see by the glare of his monitor, but it was off. So maybe there was a second power blip?

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