Thursday, December 28, 2023

Getting back into the swing of things


I got up at 7:30. I prepared for coffee morning even though it was still dark out. I poured water in the Berkey. I put on the Christmas music line-up. I read by the HappyLight. I meditated and tapped. I carried two bags of not-so-frozen watermelon to the fridge freezer. I cleaned the bathrooms and then the kitchen.

Chris came home for lunch while I was washing dishes. I vacuumed, then took a shower and got dressed. After he left, I mopped the kitchen floor. I made fertilized water. I watered the tower garden and turned it. I watered all the other plants. I sprayed the wreath on the door. I cleaned out my computer bag. I cleaned out piles of papers and such.

I texted Michelle to workout this afternoon. Later Jenni texted me about walking so I invited her to come after the workout. I had a bite to eat, then went to the gym. I did the leg and obliques circuits. I called Michelle and she came over. I did the arm machines while she told me how wonderfully work was going. Then Jenni joined us and we went upstairs to walk.

Afterwards, Jenni gave us each a card and a small gift. Then we all went home. I put on last week's episode of The Highwire. I listened to it while sitting against the PEMF mat. But I had to pause it when Chris came home early. He changed clothes and read e-mail, then went to Mass. I finished The Highwire and put on something by Mike Adams. Chris came home and made himself supper. I listened while deleting as much extraneous e-mail as I could find.

Then I paused it to work on my blog. I made tea and practiced my trombone. We watched two episodes of Psych. Soon Chris went to bed. I stayed up to work on a pile of e-mail.

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