Monday, December 4, 2023

We got game!


I got up at 8:20, realizing that my watch had stopped. I got a new battery from the battery box, but it didn't work either. So I got a second one and it worked, leaving only one for next time. I mended a sock.

I checked the water on the back porch. It still wasn't frozen and there were bird prints in the snow. So I guess they are drinking it. I have heard some people can't boil water. Well, I can't seem to freeze it.

I got dressed and took the frozen banana oatmeal cookies to the ACS building. It was locked so I started driving away. Then I saw Mikeala walking up. So I re-parked and we went into the building. She talked about not having enough refrigerated storage so I offered her space in one of the empty house fridges. We talked and hugged and I went home.

I looked at recipes for flaxseed muffins to see what spices were appropriate and in what ratio I beat some eggs and ground flax seed. I peeled a frozen banana and heated the honey. After it was all blended and in the oven, I looked at bake times for mini muffins. Then I forgot about the muffins and read e-mail. I finally pulled them out and melted butter over the tops.

I listened to part of a talk on hormones most people need more of. Chris went in the kitchen and cooked eggs in a pan. I played through all my Winterfest music. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. I got dressed for church and took the muffins, the trombone, and the banners. When I got to the chapel, only the chaplain was there. I showed him the banner, the altar cloth and the matching pulpit cloth. We talked. Other people came in. I went up front to get ready. Then he started the service with some Christmas songs.

For the sermon, he talked about Luke being a disciple of Paul, and how carefully the books of the Bible were chosen from all the books being written at the time. He asked for people to read aloud and 5 people did. Then he said a prayer and ended the service. I asked if we could play, and he was apologetic and said yes of course. So Saronna and I played carols from our book of duets while people sang. But it just didn't work out.

Afterward, people talked and had muffins. The chaplain talked about decorating the chapel. Jenni agreed to help him locate the decorations tomorrow. Jenni and I put the altar cloth and matching pulpit cloth up. I hunted down a pole to hang the banner on, but there was no cord to go across the ends.

I headed home, stopping to lock the swap shop. I changed clothes. I put a baggie of cheese squares in the freezer and ate the ones that wouldn't fit. I got out my serger and had trouble re-threading it. Then I serged the bottom of Anca's dress. I sat down to let her know and got caught up in e-mail. Faye called to talk about meeting us at the airport in Richmond. And needing a sticker for the old car.

Then I made a salad for supper as the family game got started. I didn't remember much from where we left off. But enough of it came back that I could participate. We interviewed witnesses and tracked down the maker of the surgical tools. Some of us gave testimony in court. Then we were going to visit a ghost town, but John ended the game there, probably because we were about to walk into a complicated situation.

I read e-mail. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. Then Chris went to bed and I finished the hormone interview.

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