Monday, December 18, 2023

Talking to people I haven't seen in a long time


When I woke up, it was 7:30 local time. I had a hard time getting out of bed because my back hurt. I wonder If this is how Cecily feels every morning when she gets up. I walked up and down the hall trying to get my back to relax. I rubbed it with arnica cream. I took morning supplements and walked some more. I jotted notes for my blog, then walked some more. Chris rubbed my back with magnesium spray.

I sat down to read e-mail which took my mind off of my back. Later I washed up and got dressed for church. Chris used his phone to get WAZE, and we took the Highlander to church. We couldn't find the blue Cadillac and wondered if the Highlander replaced it.

Faye arrived just after we did. I was surprised not to see the old white building that pre-dated pretty much everything in the area. We went inside and greeted people I haven't seen in years. We helped Alice bring in food from her car. Then we sat down in the sanctuary, noting our row had the # 9 on it.

I didn't need a bulletin to follow the service because there was a monitor at the front of the church which showed everything we needed to see or say or sing. We did a song called The 12 Days of Christmas with a Christian theme. Because we were row 9, we had to stand up and sing “9 something somethings” when it came up. The sermon was titled “Are you a Mary or a Martha at Christmas?”. After the service, I congratulated the row that sang “5 books of law”. Awesome job.

We all moved into the fellowship hall for a potluck meal. However, it didn't look much like a potluck because someone made huge tin pans of chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn pudding. There were some other smaller dishes, especially in the dessert section. We sat at a far table. All the tables were adorned with nativity scenes, most of which belonged to Faye. We had a nice chat with Larry and the others at our table. Eventually people came around to collect the table decorations and table cloths. Then I got to talk to Bobby, and then to Kevin. Finally we left.

Faye had already gone, in order to take someone home on her way home. We met her back at the house formerly known as Dad's. She showed us the kitchen and den which are being renovated. We talked about colors and other decisions. Then she showed me the positional beds that they got when the water bed didn't do well in the move. On a remote, they raise, lower and vibrate! They also connect to the internet and track your biometrics as you sleep. I didn't like that idea.

Faye let me take her sewing machine. It was raining when we left. We stopped at Food Lion for distilled water, coconut milk, and bananas. Then we proceeded back to Chester, having trouble seeing the road markings. I called Michele who said they are coming tomorrow. Then Myra called, but the call dropped several times. So when we got to the house, I called her back and we had a nice chat and made plans to visit.

I fixed the breakfast that I didn't get, and jotted notes for my blog. Then we watched two episodes of Psych. I checked on e-mail, then we went to bed in the smaller bedroom.

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