Saturday, March 9, 2024

Breakfast without power


I got up at 7:30. I took supplements and checked e-mail. I got dressed and went to Math Morning at the chapel. Casey arrived at the same time I did. Moira came running up. We set up in the fellowship hall. The rest of the Clark family arrived. Sophia worked with me on worksheets. Casey worked with Moira. The boys had their own books to work out of. Then around 10, we packed up.

They went home and I went to the company house to get the laundry started. But the beds were not stripped and they had personal items strewn on the rumpled covers. I decided to come back later. I stopped by the post office on the way home to get junk mail.

I got a text from Michelle asking if I had a wrist brace. So I went rooting around in the closet and found three. I was going to clean at the house near her anyway so I drove over to Michelle's house to deliver the wrap. Isadora put it on and it fit. Then we talked about other things. The power went out and we went on talking.

Finally it was noon, so I went home to make breakfast. But I had no power. I called Chris and he said it was widespread. Even Tooele lost power, but they were back up. A team was coming out to find out why our power wasn't back on. So I made breakfast, skipping the parts that needed power. I sat down and ate while looking out the window. Then I sat at my laptop to jot notes for my blog. That's when the power came back on.

When Chris got back from the office, he questioned the need to go to Tooele. Since I could wait on the things from town, we agreed to go to just the commissary. We shopped, then came home and put the food away.

I fixed the pair of Chris' pants on my sewing table. Then I laid out the stack of panels that were meticulously pinned together. I straightened one edge, then went to the desktop to check on how wide the strips should be. But it was down due to the power outage.

While waiting for it to come back up, I mixed up a batch of cheese squares with bacon and put them in the oven. I heated ground beef for supper. I made a salad. After eating, I cut the crusts off the cheese squares and offered some to Chris. He said no. “Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” He said he couldn't have bacon on Fridays in Lent. In my mind I thought “Sucks to be you” as I ate them myself.

I listened to an audio on restoring receeding gums. I jotted notes for my blog. I got ready for Game Night. I took the water jug and some goat cheese for Michelle and Isadora. I went first to the house to spray something on the sink grit. Then I went to Michelle's house.

I knocked on the door and went in. I gave Michelle the two containers of goat cheese. I sat down while we talked. Casey put the game on.

I took my character back to the landing spot in the forest and proceeded to the hunting blind. I was expecting lots of clues, but I didn't learn anything I needed to know. I found my way back to the lake and had to solve the bridge puzzle again to get across. THEN, I noticed a hut to the left of the bridge. I went in and it was full of clues. I didn't find them all on the first go round, but they were the clues I needed to deal with the camudile. I had taken a pic of a set of instructions for the sound system, but didn't really understand what those were meant to do.

I concluded the game half an hour early, but we ended up talking 45 minutes late. So it was almost midnight when I got home. And Chris was asleep. I quietly got ready for bed and joined him.

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