Thursday, March 21, 2024

Celery juice


I woke up early. Chris was gone exercising. I used the mp3 player again, but I still did not fall asleep. Then he came home and took a shower and got dressed for work.

I got up and prepared for coffee morning. I checked the radiation from the CD sound system, and from my PEMF mat with the meter. The mat had a very strong RF field, but then it should, right?

I meditated and tapped. I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. I vacuumed carpets. I took a shower. I went to yoga. Ginger came, too. The instructor led us in several yoga flows, then we did lots of stretching poses on the floor. Some were not good for my back. Thankfully this was the last punch on my card of 10.

I went home, watered plants, and changed shoes. I met Michelle at the gym and we went walking around the block several times. When I got home, I hunted down the juicer. I made celery juice. Michelle came over with more celery, and we made some for her. We talked until Chris came home. She talked to Chris, and then he went to Mass. We kept talking. She agreed to come back tomorrow for more juice.

She went home. I emptied the pulp into the compost. I took old potatoes and coffee grounds to the garden. The plot was not covered in leaves as I expected. Some plots were covered in tumbleweeds. I had to pick my way through them to get into the back gate.

Chris was home. We chatted. There was no coconut to open so I drank the can of coconut water that I keep at the head of my bed. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched the last two episodes of SGA. Atlantis came to Earth. But what happened to Todd?

Chris got his suit ready for tomorrow, then went to bed. I stayed up to listen to some tapping and a guided visualization, then I went to bed. I got very close to sleep very quickly, but just couldn't cross that threshold.

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