Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hot springs


I got up after 8. I noticed the headphones were blinking. I could hear the ocean waves still going. So it must loop over and over. I turned it off. I got myself ready for the day. Something made it take longer than usual. Then I hastened to the chapel for Math Morning. Saronna and kids walked up as I pullled up. We settled into the fellowship hall and Casey arrived. I worked with Sophia on her rectangular prism worksheet. Another family came with their little boy. They didn't need math, just to talk and play with Jedediah.

We ended promptly at 10 because we all had other things to do. I went home and got the snacks ready. I put on my bathing suit and clothes over it. I packed a towel and water shoes. Diane came over to pick me up. She got a chance to talk to Chris while I finished up. Her son and Cedric were in the back seat.

We met Michelle and Casey and Isadora at the gas station. We followed Michelle all the way to the hot springs. I don't remember the name, but they were just deep holes in the middle of a field. The roads were unpaved and muddy. There were puddles everywhere. We had to park and walk.

The first hole we parked pretty close to. There were rocks to leave our clothes on, but it was chilly and undressing wasn't easy. AND, the water was only tepid. The rocks in the water were slippery with algae. Other people were there and we chatted. They said the temp was hit or miss.

We could see another hole within walking distance but it was too muddy to walk across the field. So we dried off and got in the car. We drove to a parking area and walked a different road to get there. This one was hotter and deeper. There were more people, but not as chatty. It was nice. All too soon the others wanted to leave. So I got out and dried off as much as my already wet towel would allow.

We walked back to the cars. We drove to a gas station and then a restaurant. Keep in mind I had been handing out snacks all morning. But Casey wanted a burger from this special place. And since they had an elk burger, I ordered too. My purse was in Diane's trunk, so she paid for mine. Michelle didn't order so when we went back to the cars, Diane gave her boiled eggs.

They had a wall of fame and a wall of shame. They have a 4lb burger with 1lb of fries. If you can eat all of it in half an hour, you go on the wall of fame. Michelle said she would pay to see me do that. But I declined because I had already eaten.

The two cars drove back to Dugway separately. We had another nice long chat, but this time Michelle was in the back seat instead of the boys. Diane dropped me off at my house. Chris had supper waiting for me. He couldn't eat it because it was a Friday in Lent, so I told him how exquisitely delicious it was.

After eating, I read for a bit. The new mp3 headphones had arrived and I read through the directions and plugged it in to charge. Then I laid down for a nap. I heard someone knock at the door. After they left, I heard Chris on the phone. Curious, I came out to investigate. He said the soldiers camping on the airfield were dropping off their extra food. I suggested the swap shop, but it needed refrigeration so he took it to the chapel.

I laid down again. Chris promised to wake me at 8, but it was 8:15 when he came in. I hurried to get dressed and get notes ready for game night. When I arrived, Diane was already there. I started filling the water container because Casey shouldn't have to do it. Then Michelle took over and Casey called up the game.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do, however the game developed a glitch and the same mangree responded to two different names. So I was unable to call the last mangree to move him around. I tried all the permutations but to no avail. I tried resetting that puzzle by going back to earlier puzzles and proceeding to that one. But no, the glitch persisted. Finally I had to go to an earlier saved game in which I hadn't been to Spire yet. THEN, it worked perfectly. I finished up Haven and went back to Tomanha. We all wondered if I had to go back to do all the puzzles in Spire. But I tried going to the bookcase in Yeesha's room and finding the ladder down. This time, there was a linking book to Serenia down there. So I linked. I explored the new world a little bit, got lost, and found myself back at the linking site. I decided that was a good place to quit, so I exited and saved the game.

We all chatted as I played. Michelle let Diane do laundry. Then she went back to the hotel. At 11I quit the game and went home. My mp3 headphones were charged so I put Sleep Suite on them. They started playing right away and were much too loud. I pressed the button to lower the level, but it didn't work. I got out a magnifying glass to read the instructions, which confirmed my action. BUT, then it worked. (headshake) I wore them to bed, and listened for a long time. Then I turned it off (or thought I had), took the headset off, and tried to sleep.

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