Monday, March 25, 2024

Sauna instead of gaming


I got up at 8 to take another Doctor's Biome. I saved a tiny bit to put in my fermented coconut milk. After half an hour, I took my regular supplements. I read e-mail and articles.

At 10:30 I went to Michelle's house. She was juicing celery. Then Jenni showed up. We each drank a cup of the juice. She also gave us each a piece of her fiber cake. Then we sat and talked for an hour. I went home and ate the 'cake' with some guacamole. I watered all the plants, then started on breakfast.

After eating. Chris called his parents. We both talked to them, then I had to dash to the back to get dressed for church. I took my trombone and went to the chapel. Michelle followed me in with her snack.

I went up front to assemble my trombone. I talked to several people. Then the service started. We sang some songs with the overhead. Then he preached from Nehemiah. Then I played two hymns on my trombone. Saronna did not come. I assumed the kids were sick.

I stood around talking for some time. The chaplain wanted to speak to me and I can't remember why now. By the time I got home, it was after 3. I read messages. Chris told me that we weren't gaming tonight. I prepared a bowl of supper. Then Michelle texted that we should meet at the sauna at 5. I ate, then put on my bathing suit and grabbed a towel and bottle of tea.

I met her in the sauna. It was already 180 and went up to 190 while we were in. We did not stay an entire hour. We talked in the locker room as we cooled off. Jenni never showed up. Then we went home.

I changed out of my suit. I looked into cabbage juice. I worked on my blog. I ate a grapefurit. I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up till 11. I jotted notes for what I want to do tomorrow. Then I went to bed.

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