Saturday, March 30, 2024

Meringue cookies


I heard the 8am alarm ring, got up a little later. I took the probiotic, then brushed my teeth and got dressed. I read some e-mail, then hurried to the chapel for Math Morning. The others were late so I vacuumed, noticing that the janitors closet smelled like toxic mold. Uggh! Both bathroom lights were on so I turned them off.

When they arrived, I helped Moira with her math, which was converting decimals to fractions and back. Isadora worked with Sophia. I gave Saronna the math flyer and she agreed to make copies. When 10am came, we packed up and went home. Casey took the eggs from the fridge with him.

I read some e-mail, then went to Michelle's house for celery juice. She was on a call, so I made it myself, enough for both of us. Her mother showed me a dress and asked me to fix it. But the material around the rip was shredded so it would not fit her if I took the material I needed to mend it. Then I offered to make a skirt out of it and she thought that was a great idea. I wondered when I was going to have time to do that.

I took Michelle to the chapel and we threw out the expired food. Then we went to the club to pick up the archery painting mural. We took it to the gym. Michelle cut it down and wrote “Thank you Brittany”. She taped it to the wall under the front desk. Then she taped the cut-off part on the door to Brittany's office.

I took her home and I went home to make and eat breakfast. Afterward, I made a shopping list and we went to Tooele. I tried to sleep on the way. We shopped at the usual places and went back. We shopped at the commissary, then stopped at the post office for the mail.

We unloaded the groceries. Chris put them away. I ate a fruit from last week. Chris chopped up the jicama and I ate enough so that it would fit in the container. I read e-mail for awhile. I scanned some hymns into the desktop and enlarged them, ready for Sunday. I propped up the recliner so it will recline more. I helped Chris peel garlic. He made a ground beef 'stew', which I had for supper. I worked on my blog.

I got everything ready for game night. I brought a dose of the special probiotic as my 'offering'. Michelle was thrilled. She and her mother were in the waiting phase of making meringue cookies. She promised to never make them again. Casey watched on and off as I played the game. I am currently in Serenia, getting lost at every turn. However, I finally managed to carry a bubble to the water spirit. I went to the memory chamber and laid on the stone bed. I went into 'Dream', where the water spirit was supposed to guide me. I ended up in a flurry of colored blobs which I was supposed to change to the color white. But there seemed to be hundreds. I had to save the game and hope further investigation would yield an answer.

We chatted for another 45 minutes and then I went home. I had a meditation cued up, so I turned it on and sat in the recliner. However, it did not have the desired effect and I was unable to get comfortable. So I got up and went to bed.

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