Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Chris got up at 8 to heat the chili in the crock pot. Later we got up to shower, dress and go to church. Although it is Father's Day, no one said a word in church. Hyon was there, which was a great and wonderful surprise. After church, we gave a ride to two fellow members over to another parishioner's house. This is what the chili was for. We were having a goodbye party for Beth and Stan. The hostess decorated the tables in her backyard with red, white, and blue flowers and other trimmings. It was very nice. I really enjoyed being in a grassy back yard, and going barefoot. I chatted with the ladies, while Chris sat and chatted with the men. Finally a book of pretty Seoul pictures was passed around for everyone to sign. It was a gift for the PCSing couple. Of course, they aren't leaving until later next month, so it isn't really goodbye. Then we dropped several people off at gates, and went to the commissary for groceries. We had to call Michele down to meet us at the apt building door to help carry groceries and chili up. Romaric came over to play the rpg. Then Heidi came over for a lesson. While we were so engaged, MaryAnn and Bob came over to visit their cats. (I have decided that the way to get people to visit me is to keep their cats) When Heidi left, I visited with Bob and MaryAnn. They told me cat stories, and I spoke of finding paw prints in places the cats shouldn't be. After they left, I got on my computer to finish listening to an interview that I started three days ago. Part of it was how bad sleep habits promote weight gain, and how to lose weight by getting better sleep. At 9, Christine called to see if she could buy a mat. So I arranged to meet her at 7-11 and carried the mat down. Now I feel ready for bed, but I have to make more shampoo. One of the cats is already asleep in the TV cabinet.

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