Thursday, June 9, 2011

Purse class

When I got up, there were dishes in the sink. It struck me as unusual because my mother-in-law always loaded them into the dishwasher the night before. Michele, whose job it is, left for school soon after I got up. I had breakfast with e-mail, and then read a book for awhile. Too long actually and then I was late for the thrift shop. There were boxes of books waiting, but as it turns out, they were labeled for charity. So Ella called, and the man came pretty quickly. I was able to do all the books, and even the tapes and DVD's. However there were many non-book items in my book bin and I ignored them. I left the thrift store to go to the little park. I read a book I found at the shop on exercises to improve eyesight. The type was small and I had to use my glasses to read it. At three I went home. I had things to do to prepare for class, but instead I finished the book that made me late this morning. Then I finished my preparations for class: gathering print-outs, samples. fabrics, etc. Chris came home and cooked some bison for me. I ate a small bowl of that, and left. I got there at 6, and proceeded to set up. I had time to make a pattern for Shannon, and to do some cutting for my next purse. But as people came in, there were interruptions and I didn't get any farther than that. We had only 3 tables 'cause the rest were in the fellowship hall and no one wanted to go there and carry one back. Shannon made some progress on her apron, making fabric choices that I would never have made. The others worked on cutting out the pieces and assembling their linings. The girl who hadn't finished her zippered pouch last week came this week and I finished it for her since the machine was giving her trouble. We were a little late packing up. I drove home, switching cars along the way. I put away the bison which was waiting on the stove. I opened a coconut, poured the juice in with the fermented milk, and ate the meat while sitting in front of my computer. I cleared some e-mail, and investigated some new supplements. I posted a missing blog entry from our trip to Jeju. I hope the attached video link for the horse show works. And now it is past 11. Good night.
* Here is a pic of garlic drying in the sun at Jeju *
* Here is a pic from the botanical garden in Jeju *

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